The Lord is My Strength!


#MiracleMantras #Daily #SpiritualTherapy #TheLordIsMyStrength πŸŒ€#TimewithGOD #ActivateYourSpiritualHELP by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, connecting with GOD daily via the #HEART activates your HELP!

πŸ“• Psalm 28:7 - The Lord is my STRENGTH and my SHIELD; my HEART trust in him, and I am helped: 

πŸŒ€HELP comes when our HEART “trusts” in God. Help does not come because of our religious activities or even our vain efforts and shouting! 

⚜️HELP is the STRENGTH (courage to keep moving forward) and PROTECTION (shield from enemies, sickness, loss etc) from God and the  PROVISION (support of resources and people) to benefit your journey! 

⚜️The HEART is JUDGED daily not when you die. We cannot fool God! We may speak or act like we are TRUSTING God but our HEART is registering little faith!

πŸ’―The HEART is the measure that GOD uses to TEST us before our BLESSINGS are activated! The delay of the blessings are a sign that we are not yet ready in some way or we have not done the spiritual development work of cleansing the heart and renewing the mind! 

πŸ’―WE must learn and conform to God not man’s requirements to ACTIVATE the strength, protection and provision needed in our life! 

⁉️Reaching out to God for emergencies only is counter productive! 

⚜️It’s in our BEST INTEREST to do the DAILY SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT work and SPEND TIME with GOD, Creator of Heaven & Earth via the HEART to activate our strength, protection and provision!

πŸ•‰️ DAILY MIRACLE MANTRAS. Spend time with GOD throughout the day. Find a verse that resonate with you. Practice repeating the MANTRA silently. Allow it to soothe your heart and renew your mind. Repeat silently, take a few deep breaths. Cleanse the Heart. Forgive. Allow the words you are saying to penetrate your soul! 

“the Lord is my strength”

πŸ’œ GOD created the rules and guidelines and mankind must learn to respect and abide by them! God is waiting on us to spend time with him and learn to TRUST him in our HEARTS! 

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 










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