Put On The Armor of God Via Gratitude Prayer!


#SpiritualTherapyTalk - Put On the Armor of God Before The Battles via #GratitudePrayer by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, we have to PARTICIPATE in our protection, promotion and provision! How do we do that?  By putting on the FULL armor of God AHEAD of the battles not DURING the battles!

📕 Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

⚜️ GRATITUDE PRAYER is one way we can put on our spiritual armor. Gratitude Prayer is praying from the I HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED PERSPECTIVE by giving THANKS & demonstrating FAITH in what we ask God for vs PLEADING & NEGOTIATING with God out of FEAR & FRUSTRATION. This should be done via silence in thoughts and spoken words daily! 

🚨 The WISE warrior will put on their ARMOR  BEFORE  they go to battle thus they are prepared for the devil’s schemes and thieves in the night.

🚨 The FOOLISH warrior will put on their ARMOR only DURING the attacks which leaves them unprepared and unprotected resulting in a higher percentage of loss.

💯 God’s strategy is for us to participate in our life and ARMOR up every day with spiritual therapy practices such as gratitude prayer, meditation, good thoughts, forgiveness journaling, positive affirmations, declarations and mantras etc to maintain good positive energy ⚡️ vibes. This becomes our shield against the enemy plots for our life and gateway to the stored blessings for this life on earth!

‼️ Man’s strategy is to relinquish the personal responsibility and participation with God and rely on the pastors, priests etc to do the spiritual work to fight our battles.  

🛑 You will have to decide if you will be ARMORED up or WAIT until you see the break out of a battle before implementing spiritual protection! 

🙏🏽 God is waiting on your participation to activate in your protection, promotion and provision for your life by staying armored up daily!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 











#godismystrength  #consciousness #nextlevelmindset #godiswithme


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