Take Your Thoughts Captive!


#SpiritualTherapyTalk - #TakeYourThoughtsCaptive by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, YOU will WIN πŸ† more in LIFE when YOU Learn to MANAGE Your #MIND, #MOUTH & #MOOD! Why? Your mind, mouth and mood affects Your #ENERGY which in return affects Your Life Experiences!

πŸ“• Corinthians 10:5  - we take CAPTIVE every THOUGHT to make it obedient to Christ.

🚨 Your JOB is to take your THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS & WORDS captive and REDIRECT them to BLESS your life vs CURSE your life. You have to SHOW UP & be ACCOUNTABLE for you! 

🎢KARMA (good & bad) will always return to us because we REAP what we SOW! Learn to SOW positive energy so that you reap positive energy! 

πŸ”†Throughout the Bible we are told to capture our thoughts, renew the mind, guard & cleanse the heart and speak life over our life. There is a reason behind all these warnings. It’s to keep our spiritual ENERGY ⚡️ in a positive, constructive and loving state because in some mysterious and miraculous way, our energy (positive or negative) affects our life experiences accordingly! Vibez don’t lie! You can’t hide your energy from God or his universal powers!

 πŸ˜Š When we are transmitting consistent, POSITIVE ENERGY, it  keeps us connected to more ➡️ protection, promotion and provision!

😞 When we are transmitting consistent NEGATIVE energy, we go away from God’s protection and fall victim to more ➡️ defeat, depression and destruction. 

⚡️ It’s not personal. It’s law.

πŸ’• God has his ways to protect, provide and promote us through the universal laws that he set up for us. He equipped us to have authority over our lives via our mind, mouth and mood. We can continue to be ignorant of these ancient laws and practices and continue to face the consequences or learn to manage our energy to bless vs curse us! 

πŸ™πŸ½ Connect and build a personal relationship with God who lives within you and take time daily to learn to manage your mind, mouth & mood. Your life will thank you!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 











#godismystrength  #consciousness #nextlevelmindset #godiswithme


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