Learn 2 Elevate Your Consciousness!


#ElevateYourConsciousness - Beloved, You don’t have to stay STUCK in your situations. You are where you are today in part because of your positive or negative CONSCIOUSNESS aka your deep INNER SELF - limited or negative mindset, beliefs, conviction, emotions, perspective about YOU & LIFE which reflects OUTWARD into your behavior, words, habits and actions!

📕 Matthew 25:29 - For to everyone who has will be given, and he will have abundance, but from him who does not have, even that which he has will be taken away.

😃 If you have a WEALTH consciousness you will continue to draw MORE  money, resources, opportunities etc to you.

😢 If you have a POVERTY consciousness you will continue to draw LESS  money, resources, opportunities etc to you.

🛑 They didn’t tell us but we are figuring it out anyways. They can only hide knowledge for so long. 

🛑 But the damage is done so what do we do now to improve our lives? We are now adults and we have learned lack and limitation our whole life? What do we do when we learned a negative perspective about self and life? We may not know but this negative programming holds us back or sabotage us from being the best version of self. 

‼️ Yes trauma happened.

‼️ Yes negative life experiences happened.

✅ Now we must do the inner spiritual self development work to renew the limited or negative programming aka consciousness that we learned as a child about ourselves and about who and whose we are In Christ! 

The good news is that we can learn learn to ELEVATE from a POVERTY to a WEALTH consciousness. It takes time. It takes faith. It takes commitment and patience to plant new seeds and for those seeds to grow and bear good fruit!

💕 God is waiting on you to do the INNER work to elevate your consciousness!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 











#godismystrength  #consciousness #nextlevelmindset #godiswithme


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