Spend Time To Pour Into You!


#FollowYOU🌻 #PourIntoYOU🌻 #SpendTimeWithYOU🌻 - Beloved as the distractions are set in place to keep you busy looking OUTSIDE following the lives of others on social media etc vs INSIDE connecting with God, DONT FORGET to Follow GOD & follow YOU!

💕 Spending time with GOD should not only be a 1x a week experience. God time should be a daily ongoing experience because that’s where your protection, promotion and provision is!

‼️ 🔔 When you FOLLOW thousands of people you become sheep in this game called life! You are consumed with their life so you have even LESS time to spend IMPROVING self, less time with God, family, friends etc. Don’t get caught in society’s traps of the new norm. 

‼️ 🔔 Do you notice that people who have high followers don’t follow back the same amount. WHY? It’s DISTRACTING to their CREATIVITY!

❇️ You are the captain of your ship vessel called Mind, Body & Spirit. You are not in control then who is? Who is attending to your vessel if you are not?

🚢 If your vessel is unmanned your ship will not be able detect danger ⚠️ in a reasonable time!

🚢 If your vessel is unmanned your ship will risk sounding the alarms of life in time so you will succumb to sinking!

🚢 If your vessel is unattended your ship will wander into deep dark uncharted waters! 

🚢 If your vessel is unattended your ship will lose its course and direction!

🚢 If your vessel is unattended your ship will l end up shipwrecked! 

Don’t forget to follow you!

Don’t forget to pour into you!

Don’t forget to spend time loving on you!

Don’t forget to tap into your partnership with your Creator & Spiritual Partner, Almighty God!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 











#godismystrength  #consciousness #nextlevelmindset #godiswithme


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