Don’t Apologize For Your Growth!

 #TransformationTalk #unequallyyoked #DontApologizeForGrowth but some relationships will naturally fall off after personal development & growth! 

πŸ”° An IMPROVED SOUL CHARACTER is the RESULT of incorporating PERSONAL & SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT. PERSONAL GROWTH equals an IMPROVED Mindset, Heartset, Confidence, Habits, Lifestyle, Perspective etc so naturally some relationships will fall off & become UNEQUALLY YOKED!

πŸ“• 2 Corinthians 6:14 - Be ye not unequally yoked 

The SOUL CHARACTER (MINDSET & HEARTSET) of YOU & your PARTNER (Business or Personal) matters! You may start out equally yoked in a relationship but personal development & growth will reveal that you are now UNEQUALLY YOKED and no longer on the same page! For example, you may want MORE from life and the other person doesn’t believe more is possible due to a limited mindset! 

πŸ”° As we do the PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & GROWTH work it will overflow and TRANSFORM & ELEVATE our SOUL CHARACTER. We will begin to believe, think, speak, dress and conduct ourselves differently. Our interests & perspectives for life will also change. Naturally, people will fall away from our lives because we may no longer have similar views in common!

πŸ”° In intimate relationships, Its critical that the process of PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT is with both parties. Why? As we LEVEL UP our thoughts, beliefs, perspectives etc we will desire new directions in life. What was once acceptable may no longer be acceptable. If only one person is personally growing and the other is not, the feeling of being unequally yoked will kick in and be felt by both parties. The distance will begin.

πŸ”° It’s natural to feel unequally yoked with family, friends, business or intimate partners that you were once ok with after doing personal growth! It doesn’t mean that that they are bad people. No. It just means that different things are now more important to you. 

πŸ”° Because you are now THINKING & VIBING on a different frequency, you will begin to relate and attract people on the new frequency. You will slowly but surely no longer have a lot in common so if both individuals are not putting in the WORK to maintain the relationship, the relationship will slowly slip away. Later on in life when your frequency matches again you may reconnect. Thus the term - Birds of a feather flock together. 

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 



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