God Is My Super Power!

 #GodismyBFF #GodismySpiritualPartner by Inner Vibez Consulting - We sing about a relationship with God but do we really practice it daily? If we truly started to normalize and incorporate a daily personal, loving, friendly relationship with GOD vs fearing God and respecting universal laws instead of ignoring universal laws, life would respond differently to us! 

πŸ”°It’s time to get out of the fog. It’s time to know who and whose you are as an offspring of God no matter your religion, gender, race or age. 

πŸ”°Understand that you live on earth which is governed by God’s universal laws. These laws in some mysterious way interact with the ENERGY VIBRATION of our THOUGHTS, HEART EMOTIONS & WORDS and will respond to us with blessings or curses as the Bible tells us. You see these are the laws you should really know about. These are the laws that Jesus taught about which is why he was crucified. Jesus said that God’s greatest #1 ✅ commandment is to love God with all your MIND, HEART & SOUL.  Then love your neighbor. 😞 The world on a whole is so FAR AWAY from LOVE despite the plethora of religious practices in place. God’s universal law is simply responding to the plethora of hate in the world! If we wanted change we must first change! 

πŸ”°Understand that God equipped us to fight our battles and move our mountains. Remember IT IS DONE UNTO YOU AS “YOU” BELIEVE IT SHOULD BE DONE UNTO YOU! No more. No less.  You must participate in your elevation, your healing and transformation in life!

πŸ”…πŸ”…STIR UP THE GOD IN YOU daily. Think on good things about your life. Feel gratitude about your life. Speak on good things about your life. Incorporate good and healthy habits and actions!

πŸ”…πŸ”…DECLARE goodness for your life. 

The God in ME is my BFF!

The God in ME is my Provider!

The God in ME is my Protector!

The God in ME is my Source!

The God in ME is my Super Power!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 



#TheGoodNews #TheGODinMEdoesthework #PrayWithoutCeasing #ItsTheGODInMe #GodismyGIFT










#godismystrength  #consciousness #nextlevelmindset #godiswithme


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