God’s Laws & Love is Within!


 #SpiritualTherapyTalk #GodsLawsnLoveareWithin - Beloved, you WIN more in life if you know the plays of the game called life. 

 📕 Jeremiah 31:33 - This is the covenant that I will make says the LORD: I will put my LAW in their MIND and write it on their HEARTS.

⭕️ How often do you connect with God in your MIND & HEART for Divine Intervention in your life?

🔰If you have been looking for GOD’s LAWS & LOVE 💕 outside of yourself you have been misled! God’s LAWS & LOVE is always in your MIND & HEART. The thing is you have to go WITHIN to ask, knock and receive it! Unfortunately you have been conditioned since childhood to stay away from the mind so your character reveals the frustration, uncertainty, worry etc about your life despite all the religious rules you follow. 

 🔰You can choose to continue to be LAZY in your personal spiritual development OR incorporate a daily MINDFULNESS practice to your prayer life to learn to unlock 🔓 the doors to your blessings!

🔰 As you begin the daily mindfulness process to SEEK the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the LAWS & LOVE of the Creator, and YOUR FAITH & BELIEFS INCREASES, all things you need will be revealed and added unto you. You will find your BLESSINGS, your CONFIDENCE, your GUIDANCE, your HEALING, your LOVE, your PROTECTION, your PROMOTIONS, your STRENGTH, your TRANSFORMATION etc etc to support you in your amazing life here on earth! It’s all waiting for you to do the inner work! 

⭕️ FYI, the misleading is on purpose to keep you away from your personal spiritual development & growth thus limiting the prosperity in your health, wealth and happiness!!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 



#TheGoodNews #TheGODinMEdoesthework #PrayWithoutCeasing #ItsTheGODInMe #GodismyGIFT










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