Raise Up Your Character!

 #RaiseUPYourSoulCharacter #CharacterMatters #RaiseUPyourStandards #SpiritualTherapyTalk - RAISE UP YOUR STANDARD aka SOUL CHARACTER! Majority of people focus on “Professional” Development but leave out PERSONAL CHARACTER Development & Growth (Standards) so they remain LIMITED in many important areas of life!

πŸ“• Isaiah 59:19 KJV - When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.

“YOU” are the vessel that God works through! The God In YOU uses your next level STANDARDS, SOUL CHARACTER & MINDSET GROWTH to fight your enemies so developing those areas is key πŸ” to your success in life!

GOD IS WAITING ON US. For God to work through us effectively we have to work on our personal development of standards aka soul character (Mindset, heart emotions, beliefs & words)

πŸ’’The SPIRIT of GOD within YOU the VESSEL will be used to lift up your standards aka soul character against the enemies / battles you will face. You are the vessel that will be used for ALL aspects in your life - to fight your battles, to contribute to the world and continue God’s assignments! We as vessels here on earth have to be prepared for the various battles and enemies that will come to us like a flood. When we are NOT prepared in our standards / soul character we get devoured and tossed in the dry places for long periods until we level up our standards / soul character! 

πŸ”°Having multiple or high level professional degrees is necessary and a wonderful achievement however we should not overlook or underestimate improving the STANDARDS aka SOUL CHARACTER of the man or woman. Why? The STATE of our SOUL CHARACTER will determine how effective we are at using the SPIRIT of GOD that is WITHIN to protect us from the enemies that will come against us in this world! 

πŸ”°The level of your STANDARDS aka SOUL CHARACTER soul will determine how you are able to fight your battles here on earth! Only YOU can fight your battles on the physical realm but understanding that the God presence that is within you does the work will help you tremendously! 

πŸ”°The state of the MIND & HEART influences the SOUL CHARACTER of the man /woman. Our soul character is a summary of how we currently think, believe, feel and accept about ourselves and about life! 

πŸ›‘If we are experiencing lack and limitation in any area of life we simply have to look at how we THINK & BELIEVE and what we ACCEPT as truth in that area.

πŸ’―Through personal development we can ELEVATE the HEART consciousness to reflect the fruits of the spirit which are love, joy, peace, forgiveness, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. 

πŸ’―Through personal development we can also ELEVATE to a GROWTH MINDSET to reflect abundance & prosperity in our health, wealth, happiness, money & relationships! 

‼️If we want to LEVEL UP any area of our life we must first LEVEL UP our STANDARDS aka SOUL CHARACTER via our MINDSET & HEARTSET.

‼️As we raise up ⬆️ the levels of how we think about ourselves and what life has to offer us we in return raise up πŸ†™ the level of our soul character.

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 



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