The God Energy In Me Affirmations!


#TheGodInMe #TheGodEnergyInMe #StirUpTheGiftofGodInMe #GodisMYGIFT #TheKingdomofGodisWithin #GodismySpiritualPartner #kemeticknowledge #ancientchristianity #goddessenergy - 

πŸ”†AFFIRMATIONS are a great way to SEEK THE KINGDOM OF GOD & STIR UP your GIFT of GOD ENERGY Within! You can choose whatever words resonate with you! Repeat in silence at times then out loud at times! 

‼️ Bob Marley says every man has the right to choose his/her own destiny. You can REJECT that God is WITHIN if you choose to. I choose to celebrate this spiritual wisdom that GOD LIVES WITHIN ME. We each can CHOOSE to stay in the lane with the limited information that was set up to spoon feed us by our colonizers πŸ”†I choose to step outside and learn about WHO & WHOSE I AM! πŸ”†I choose to learn how to stir up my GIFT (God Energy) within. πŸ”† I choose to seek the Kingdom of God WITHIN not OUTSIDE! I no longer look to the hills for an image to rescue or save me. I look WITHIN to connect and Stir up my GIFT (the Energy⚡️ of God) so that I can be IN AGREEMENT with God. 

πŸƒ‍♀️ I RAN AWAY FROM RELIGION & RAN INTO GOD! Each man must choose his / her own path. I absolutely love πŸ’• reading the teachings of Jesus and the metaphysical spiritual messages (which was and still is rejected). He tried to convey with us about our oneness and partnership with God. Instead the focus was shifted to worship his death but completely ignore his teachings! πŸ€” 

πŸ”°Once you begin the journey to SEEK the Kingdom of God (Divine Energy) which is WITHIN (not outside of you) and God’s righteousness (good thoughts, good beliefs, good words, good emotions, good actions, good character etc) GOODNESS and MERCY will be added unto you!

πŸ“• Matthew 6:33 - But SEEK ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

πŸ“• Luke 17:21 - The kingdom of God is WITHIN

πŸ“• 2 Timothy 1:6 - Stir Up the GIFT in YOU!

May Divine Love and Light πŸ’‘ follow you always!

One Love πŸ’— 

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 











#godismystrength  #consciousness #nextlevelmindset #godiswithme


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