You Are Attracting Foolishness or Awesomeness Into Your Life!

 πŸ””‼️YOU must be ACCOUNTABLE for your #SpiritualGrowth & #Healing by Inner Vibez Consulting! YOU are attracting #FOOLISHNESS or #AWESOMENESS into your life by your dominant thoughts, beliefs & focus!

πŸ“•Philippians 4:8  - Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 

#ThinkonGOOD πŸ˜ƒ things and attract more!

#ThinkonFOOLISH 😒 things and attract more!


Positive Thoughts are your SPIRITUAL ARMOR! 

Positive Emotions are your SPIRITUAL ARMOR! 

Positive Beliefs are your SPIRITUAL ARMOR! 

Positive words are your SPIRITUAL ARMOR! 

‼️ We spend most of our day watching FOOLISHNESS and wonder why more foolishness is coming to us! 

πŸ”°How many MINS do you spend on SELF DEVELOPMENT (empowering, mindfulness, prayer, mindset growth knowledge) vs HOURS on SELF DESTRUCTIVE information (negative, limited, disempowering information aka foolishness). 

πŸ”°Why don’t we actually practice the SPIRITUAL & MINDFUL practices the Bible especially Jesus talks about to EMPOWER and SAVE our lives? We have been “programmed” to wait for someone outside of ourselves to save us from our sins such as government, leaders, an entity, outside God, etc thus we don’t believe we need to do anything to RENEW our corrupt MINDSET, BELIEFS  & HEART except show up for religious routines because the work is done by someone other than self!

πŸ”± Be Accountable. God is waiting on “YOU” to connect with Divine presence WITHIN and PARTICIPATE in your inner spiritual development healing and growth work! 

πŸ”± The Bible gives us amazing nuggets for us to do our part with the partnership of Divine Energy and the governing laws and principles so that we can ELEVATE our mind, heart, body & soul and have an amazing life on this beautiful earth! 🌍 

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 



 #StirUpTheGiftofGodWithin #TheGodinMEdoestheWork 


#TheKingdomofGODisWithin #ItisDoneUntoYOUasYOUbelieve

#Speaklife #ThinkonGoodThings

#RenewtheMind #CleansetheHeart 

#DeclareBlessingsoverYourLife #onelove 

#StirUpTheGiftofGodWithin #TheGodinMEdoestheWork 


#TheKingdomofGODisWithin #ItisDoneUntoYOUasYOUbelieve

#Speaklife #ThinkonGoodThings

#RenewtheMind #CleansetheHeart 

#DeclareBlessingsoverYourLife #onelove


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