Your Faith About YOU is Blocking or Blessing You!


#YourFAITHaboutYOU is #BLOCKING or #BLESSING you by Inner Vibez Consulting 

⁉️Them: Believe in Jesus 

πŸ’―Jesus: Believe in the God in YOU!

❌Man taught you to look OUTSIDE of you!

⭕️Jesus taught you to look WITHIN you! 

2 different methods which will always produce life differently! 😞 One method teaches power outside of you resulting in a harsher and stressful life and one method teaches πŸ˜ƒ power inside of you resulting in a more abundant & fulfilling life!

πŸ”± Matthew 9:29 “According to YOUR faith it will be done unto you" (not your pastor, parents, etc)

✅ God is waiting on you to STIR UP the God presence in YOU! God is waiting on you to SEEK his Kingdom which is WITHIN so that the things you need will be added. God is waiting on you to LEVEL UP your thoughts  & beliefs aka INCREASE your faith about YOU & what life has to offer you! God is your SPIRITUAL PARTNER!

πŸ’―Your life is playing out to MATCH your high or low FAITH or BELIEF levels about YOURSELF & your perspective of LIFE! 

πŸ’― As you LEVEL UP your BELIEFS aka FAITH in the DRY areas of your life aka GOD PARTNERSHIP, LOVE, MONEY, HEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS etc your life experiences will level up! It’s not personal. It’s the Science of God’s Laws. 

πŸ”°The message of Jesus was always about enlightening YOU & ME. It was spiritual / metaphysical in nature which resulted in the plot to crucify him. He taught love, faith, self awareness, self empowerment with the GOD presence within and the good & bad consequences to energetic laws and principles!

⚠️Year 325. The agreed upon agenda of religious European leaders at the council of Nicaea back in the year 325 instructed the people to worship the image of a Jesus that they provided BUT to ignore any INNER focus of spirituality which Jesus based his teachings on. 

It’s time to understand that your “best interest” was never the focus of man’s agenda. How could it be when lack, limitation, sadness, sickness and stress is BIG business! 

May divine love and light πŸ’‘ follow and your family! 

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 



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