Give With A Cheerful Heart!

#ThrivingThursday #SpiritualTherapyTalk - GIVING is an amazing way to receive BLESSINGS from God but it must be from the HEART♥️ 

πŸ“• 2 Corinthians 9:7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

😞 IF YOU are not giving from a CHEERFUL HEART you will NOT be blessed from your giving. 

😞 If you are experiencing RESENTMENT, RESERVATIONS, RELUCTANCE etc when you give  #LOVE #TIME #MONEYπŸ’°to others, to church etc you will NOT receive your reward of blessings.

πŸ˜† You see God loves a CHEERFUL giver so if your thoughts and emotions aka VIBEZ are not in alignment with love, joy, excitement etc when you GIVE, you are actually doing a disservice to yourself and keeping your blessings on layaway.

⛔️A lot of people that tithe in the church grumble about giving so their blessings are held up and then they grumble some more which creates a domino effect.

πŸ’―It’s better to give what you feel comfortable with giving so there is no negative resistance around giving. This allows God to bless and multiply it. Notice how you feel around giving. Slowly increase giving.

⚜️GET YOUR BLESSINGS OFF LAYAWAY. Work on your money vibration! 

πŸ’―LOOK FOR OPPORTUNITIES TO GIVE FROM THE HEART. Start out by paying for coffee, lunch, a bill, etc for people you don’t know or those in need.  It’s not the amount that matters. It’s the HEART emotions aka ENERGY behind it that matters!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development &

Mindset Coach 

Inner Vibez Consulting


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