
Showing posts from August, 2022

Learn to Manage Your Mind, Body & Soul and TRANSFORM Your Life!

  #TransformationTuesday ❤️  Spiritual Self Development & Management of the # MIND , # BODY & # SOUL should be a prerequisite for all areas of life especially when joining with another person such as dating, marriage, business partnerships etc. 📝  The man or woman UNBALANCED or UNMANAGEABLE in the MIND or SOUL is truly a recipe for more unnecessary headaches, stumbling blocks, heartaches and pain than an individual bearing a balanced mind & soul. They tend to hold on to past emotions which prevents them from living fully in the present.   For BALANCE & TRANSFORMATION in life, all 3 areas - MIND, BODY & SOUL - should be spiritually developed. All 3 areas are key  🔑  for an abundant, fulfilling & successful life! Being unbalanced, unhealthy or unmanageable in either the MIND, BODY or SOUL will cause UNHAPPINESS, LIMITATION or in some cases HAVOC.  💫  The man or woman that learns to SPIRITUALLY DEVELOP SELF and M...

You Are The Farmer of Your MINDSET! What are YOU planting??

#MotivationMonday - Beloved, YOU are the FARMER   👩‍🌾  of your MINDSET ! Your 1st JOB is to tend to & manage your FARM aka MINDSET.  The # positive and or # negative SEEDS   🪹 that YOU plant  🌱  24x7 with your THOUGHTS   💭  form ROOTS & grows up as TREES   🌳  in your LIFE! What type of SEEDS are you planting  🌱  throughout the day? Spend time in evaluating your MENTAL CHATTER!  WHAT & HOW are you THINKING   🤔  most of the day? Are you thinking about  😃  good, amazing, blessings, loving, wonderful things or do you think and focus more on the  😢  bills, debts, failures, hurt, past, sickness etc. If you PLANT  🌱  SEEDS of DESTRUCTION you will not reap FRUITS of SUCCESS! ⭐️  ROLE OF A GOOD FARMER!  A good FARMER not only plants  🌱  the SEEDS in the ground. He or she waters   💦  the soil with the seeds, he or she fertilizes th...

Imagine Your Future Often!

  #MotivationMonday - Imagination Can Make Your Heart ♥️ Smile. When was the last time you took a few minutes to day dream like a child about your future?  Well you may say you don’t have time to do that or it’s foolishness. However studies are showing that taking time out for IMAGINATION about reaching your life goals or experiencing the life you want in your MIND is extremely BENEFICIAL as a natural holistic approach to health and wellness. IMAGINATION primes the MIND for success. IMAGINATION brings forth creativity. IMAGINATION brings forth ideas 💡. IMAGINATION makes your HEART smile. IMAGINATION is the portal from the unseen. Before anything is created on this planet, it was first IMAGINED!  If you LACK IMAGINATION you may be limiting your life!  📝 If you can “ SEE & FEEL ” yourself as being HAPPY & SUCCESSFUL , you have a higher chance of reaching your desired goals. ⭐️ The best time to be in IMAGINATION mode is right before bed, immediately afte...

Gratitude Fertilizes The Mind, Body & Soul!

  #ThankfulThursday - Gratitude is a FERTILIZER for your MIND, BODY & SOUL. Practicing #GRATITUDE is a NATURAL way of HEALING! Purposely practicing “ GRATITUDE THERAPY ” is a natural way to restore balance in your life. It’s a natural way to attract more goodness and peace to follow you! GRATITUDE THERAPY . It’s a time you CARVE out with GOD to GIVE THANKS and express your GRATITUDE for your life. All of it - the blessings and the lessons! Practicing GRATITUDE daily fertilizes your # MIND with appreciation of the many blessings upon blessings in your life. Most of those blessings go unnoticed or unappreciated! It also calms the mind from anxiety, fear, worry etc. Practicing GRATITUDE daily fertilizes your # BODY with calm healing emotions of love, peace and harmony which releases positive constructive energy vs negative energy which in return restores balance in the body and causes HEALING!  GRATITUDE daily fertilizes your SOUL with forgiveness. It slowly soothes an...

Understand Your Purpose!

  #WinningWednesday - You AWAKEN the SUNLIGHT within when you UNDERSTAND & WALK IN your PURPOSE ! Many times we are unhappy in life because we are going against the nature of our PURPOSE. 💫 GOD’s WILL . We were not told that each HUMAN BEING has an order from GOD to fulfill a PURPOSE so we grow up living for SELF and immediate family only. We go along with our very busy lives acquiring levels in society. However at some point we begin to get a nudge from GOD that something is MISSING. If we don’t listen willingly, God has a way to bring us to our knees to listen to why we were sent in the first place. Until you connect with God personally and listen for the instructions to FIND YOUR PURPOSE you will feel a lack in your soul! 📝 If you feel like something is always missing it may be because you are not fulfilling the calling for your life and walking in your purpose! 📝 If you feel unhappy even though you have everything you could possibly want such as the money, car, home, c...

When was the last time you told HER you LOVED her?

  #TransformationTuesday - Transformation begins WITHIN. Sis, when was the last time you told HER you LOVED her? Who? The woman looking back at you in the mirror every day! You spend hours putting on make up and doing your hair every day but how often do you stop to communicate with HER to see how she is doing? You see sis, it’s up to you to BUILD HER UP ! You are the first example. Others will follow your lead. If you tear HER down so will they!  You sit around waiting for that man to tell HER he loves HER but how often do you tell HER that you love HER! 🌟   ELEVATE HER . Tell HER how amazing and beautiful she is. Tell HER good job for doing a wonderful job of becoming a woman and for the accomplishments. Thank HER for pushing forward despite the trials of the world! Thank HER for being brave during childhood or life traumas. Reassure HER that you have forgiven the past and excited about now & the future. Tell HER it’s time to move forward with the guidance of God’s...

Stop Chasing Success, Money or Men. Allow Your Blessings To Chase You!

  #MotivationMonday - Sis, STOP 🛑 CHASING after SUCCESS, MONEY, MEN etc . Learn to ALLOW the BLESSINGS & what you seek to CHASE you! Anything that you are running 🏃‍♀️ after will always flee from you! You will find yourself always chasing the next level and the next with no inner satisfaction.  📝 When you are in ALIGNMENT with love, success, money etc it FLOWS to you! If you are not receiving it you may be out of alignment with your BELIEFS & FAITH 🤔  💗 AS YOU BELIEVE ! As you learn to BELIEVE more HIGHLY & FAVORABLY about SELF , the success, love, money etc it shall be done unto you! The timeframe is up to you doing the inner work!  PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT GOALS . Learn and PRACTICE personal development maintenance to improve the INNER SELF .  📝 Practice Spiritual Development DAILY to GET INTO ALIGNMENT with God and what you seek and CLEANSE negative energy, beliefs, thoughts and habits etc.  💫 Work on HEALING the inner child! Se...


  #WinningMindsetWednesday - She Believes SHE Can So SHE Does! A WINNING MINDSET will always stand out different from the crowd. It’s not that you WIN all the time. No, but its that you keep TRYING to find ways to WIN even when you have been knocked down by life’s TRAUMAS of abuse, loss, recessions etc. We all want to WIN  🏆  in life but not all of us will put in the WORK to get there. In addition, most of us are only taught the PHYSICAL route and not the MENTAL or PSYCHOLOGICAL route to achieve our goals. This is where someone with a WINNING MINDSET will show up differently.  💕  Know that your WIN is unique to YOU. Acknowledge your WINS -  your children, spouse, family, good health, happiness, business, career, car, charity involvement, higher education, a house, marriage, money, opportunities, partnerships, projects, relationships, success, traveling with family or friends etc etc  The WINNING MINDSET may have incurred different trials and t...

Shift Your FOCUS & TRANSFORM Your Life!

  #TransformationTuesday 💜     - Where FOCUS goes ENERGY flows! When we SHIFT our FOCUS or perspective, work on RENEWING our MINDSET and BELIEFS about SELF & what LIFE has to offer us, we can TRANSFORM our lives! 💕  A shift in FOCUS & BELIEFS can TRANSFORM our goals, health, marriage, relationships, money, career, success etc. Are you FOCUSING more # POSITIVELY or # NEGATIVELY on your BUSINESS, CAREER, CHILDREN, GOALS, HEALTH, MARRIAGE, MONEY, RELATIONSHIPS, SELF etc. 🤔  So how do we SHIFT our FOCUS from LIMITING, NEGATIVE perspective to more EMPOWERING ,  POSITIVE perspective or beliefs?    As adults, it will require daily purposeful PRACTICE and REPETITION of NEW, POSITIVE, EMPOWERING thoughts, affirmations, declarations, prayer, mental chatter,    MIXED & STIRRED with forgiveness and gratitude to RELEASE, RENEW and RESTORE new positive BELIEFS aka consciousness! 📝  Life has SIMPLE but yet COM...

Correct The Faulty Foundation of SELF!

  #MotivationMonday - Correcting The Faulty Foundation of Self! Beloved, you are repeatedly struggling to BUILD 🆙 but your FOUNDATION of SELF is faulty!  The FOUNDATION aka SELF, secures the STABILITY of your STRUCTURE aka LIFE!  📝 A FAULTY or CORRUPT FOUNDATION causes a domino effect for the rest of the construction such as instability, cracks and support and affects the strength and integrity of the structure!  📝 Every time you try to put up the the next levels to FRAME your LIFE it’s UNSTABLE and PROBLEMATIC because the foundation is faulty! 📝 Unless the FAULTY FOUNDATION is corrected, YOU will continue to have frustrating problems of things not fitting into place! ⭐️ A FAULTY FOUNDATION OF SELF is a result of ABUSE, NEGLECT or TRAUMA of some kind. It can be IDENTIFIED as LOW #SelfConcept #SelfConfidence #SelfEsteem #SelfLove #SelfWorth etc which flows into LIMITING, NEGATIVE thoughts, beliefs and emotions about SELF & the future! 🌟 THE FAULTY FOUNDATIO...