
Showing posts from January, 2023

What Does God Find When He EXAMINES Your Heart & Mind Daily!

#SoulfulSunday - Beloved, Are You PASSING or FAILING The TESTS When God EXAMINE Your HEART & MIND daily? The Results are in the TRAILS You Leave Behind! The LEVELS of our vibrational frequency which is magnetic 🧲 energy affects our life. Our life experiences is like a REPORT CARD of the inner condition of the heart & mind!  📕 Psalms 26:2 Test me, LORD, and try me, examine my heart and my mind; 🔆⭕️ The DAILY Tests of your VIBEZ aka inner EMOTIONS & THOUGHTS always leaves a TRAIL of FAILURES & SUCCESS ! LIFE IS LIKE A CHEMISTRY 🧪 FORMULA . There are formulas that when mixed together can create very different outcomes - positively and negatively! ⚛️🧪 😞 😢 Formula 1. When you are in the realm of consistent NEGATIVE vibrational frequency thoughts, beliefs, emotions and words our life experiences seems to mirror and attract more similar NEGATIVE people, situations and experiences.  ⚛️🧪 😊 😃 Formula 2. When you are in the realm of consistent POSITI...

Your NEGATIVE VIBEZ is the Thief of Your Blessings!

  #MondayMindset #WordsofWisdom - #TheThiefisINYourMindnHeart #GuardYourHeart #GuardYourMind #SpiritualEnergy - GUARD YOUR “MIND” & “HEART” . There are 2 ranges of ENERGY Vibration on this Eart h - Negative ➡️ Positive. Beloved, YOU communicate with these metaphysical energy VIA your Mind & Heart then Words 24x7 every day! 📕 John 10:10 - The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. 💜 GOD’s TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE! 💢🔆Messengers through out the Bible especially Yeshua’s message has always been to EDUCATE God’s children on God’s TRUTH regarding the METAPHYSICAL governing LAWS & PRINCIPLES on this earth so we would be able to communicate and respect these laws to avoid the WRATH of said laws so that we can live an abundant and fulfilling life! 🔐 We are told to LOVE GOD with ALL of our # MIND, #HEART & #SOUL as the the most important commandment to God. All other laws fall under this law! 🚨 G...

The ANSWERS For All You Seek are In the SILENCE!

#SoulfulSunday #WordsofWisdom #TheBenefitsofMeditation #BESTILL #ConnecttoGodsWIFI - Beloved, Relax, Be Still, Connect to God & ALLOW the BLESSINGS, CREATIVITY, GUIDANCE, HEALTH, LOVE, PEACE, RESOURCES, WISDOM etc to FLOW to you! The ANSWERS for all you SEEK comes from the SILENCE but you refuse to go there! 🌻 Sis why are you always TOO BUSY to BE STILL with God! Why do you spend time for everything and everyone else but NO TIME TO RELAX with your CREATOR, the SOURCE of where all your blessings, resources, answers etc FLOW! 📕 Psalm 4:4 - MEDITATE within your HEART on your bed, and BE STILL.”  The Hebrew translation for Being Still is to relax, let go, release, surrender, tune in to God. 🚨 The Creator, Infinite Intelligence, God Almighty, JAH, has instructed us via messengers on how we are to COMMUNICATE with him & Mother Nature for effective and optimal results and to avoid the WRATH of the governing laws and principles here on this earth! 💢🔆 MEDITATE WITH YOUR ...

Walk In Love & Light!

 #FaithfulnFabulousFriday #wordsofwisdom Beloved know that Love 💕& Light 💡 should be your daily representation of God.   🌻 Your daily interaction with your family, friends, co-workers, partners etc should reflect love & light not hate & despair or darkness.  🌻 People should be able to recognize you as an Ambassador of God by your attitude, behavior, fruits etc  Love and Blessings! 💕  Donna Morton Morgan  Spiritual Self Development  & Mindset Coach  #womenofkultureINC #innervibezconsulting #mindsetofchrist #kingdomsuccesscodez  #spiritualselfdevelopment

Cleanse Your Heart 2 Restore Your Health!

  #ThursdayThoughts #WordsofWisdom - Beloved, Cleanse Your #HEART ♥️ of Anger, Bitterness, Envy, Fear, Grudges, Hate, Jealousy, Unforgiveness, Worry etc to RESTORE your HEALTH ! 📕 Proverbs 14:30 - A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.  ☀️The Bible in many ways tells us how IMPORTANT it is to GUARD & CLEANSE the HEART !  🌻 The HEART ❤️ plays more major roles that we know. The heart is not just to keep you alive PHYSICALLY but also to keep you aligned SPIRITUALLY!!  ♥️ The HEART stores memories of your past TRAUMA, SADNESS and HAPPINESS and represent your ENERGY LEVEL as LOW to ➡️ HIGH vibrational frequency!  😃 HIGHER energy frequency levels will mirror as better results, experiences or flow in LIFE especially for your HEALTH! 😞 LOWER frequency levels will mirror as poorer results or experiences in LIFE especially for your HEALTH! ♥️ The HEART is an ENERGY CENTER aka chakra in the body that can be BLOCKED with too much n...

Raise Your VIBEZ & Change Your Life!

#WinningMindset 🏆 #AncientWisdom # RaiseYourVIBEZ to attract # GOODNESS and # MERCY ! Beloved, WINNING 🥇 requires HIGH VIBRATIONS ! YOU say you want God’s BLESSINGS and GOODNESS for your life but your negative or LOW VIBRATION may be representing otherwise and BLOCKING your goodness and mercy! Life in a nutshell 🥜 LOW VIBEZ blocks goodness and mercy from following you! HIGH VIBEZ allows goodness and mercy to follow you so monitor your VIBEZ daily!  🚨 OUR SPIRITUAL ENERGY ⚡️ RULES ! It’s critical to practice EXPECTING GOODNESS in Your Health, Marriage, Business,Relationships, Money etc DAILY despite what you see in the NOW!  Changing your VIBEZ and change your LIFE ! 📕 Psalm 23:6 - Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life 📝  YOU HAVE TO “ALLOW” GOODNESS TO FOLLOW YOU!  ✴️ Every single day as SPIRITUAL BEINGS we are transmitting ENERGETIC VIBRATIONS from our body from a spectrum ranging from LOW ⬇️ to HIGH which equates to nega...

Are You Planting SEEDS of Sabotage or Success?

#PlantSuccessSeeds - Beloved, YOU are the FARMER 👩‍🌾 of your GARDEN aka MIND so YOU are RESPONSIBLE for planting Seeds 🌱 of #SABOTAGE 😑 or #SUCCESS 😊 in your mind daily and your REWARD is based on your own labor! 📕 1 Corinthians 3:8 KJV 💜 Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. 🌞Every single day when WE wake up we can CHOOSE to IMPROVE various AREAS of our LIFE by PLANTING 🪴 new seeds of SUCCESS to BLESS vs planting seeds of SABOTAGE to CURSE our lives! 😞 We lack the knowledge of who we are as SPIRITUAL beings and our magnetic 🧲 energetic relationship to the universe and how we are affected aka judged by it! However every single day we UNINTENTIONALLY create more unnecessary DESPAIR and SADNESS via our consistent #conscious and #subconscious limited or negative #thoughts #beliefs #feelings and #words aka MINDSET aka CONSCIOUSNESS! 😑 You can choose today to PLANT 🌱 WORRY WEEDS in ...

Your ENERGY is Attracting Favor or Foolishness!

  #FreeYourMindFriday #AncientWisdom - Being # FAITHFUL & # FABULOUS is on purpose! Beloved, Your # ENERGY is Attracting #FAVOR or # FOOLISHNESS In Your Life! 🚨 We DONT attract what we WANT. We # ATTRACT people and situations that match our current # CONSCIOUSNESS . If you want MORE in life you must go through the spiritual self development journey to LEVEL UP ⬆️ your CONSCIOUSNESS and   VIBEZ !   😔 Because most people are not aware of this # HOLISTIC & #SPIRITUAL APPROACH to improve their life they choose quick fixes, schemes or other alternatives that may be temporary but will lead to trouble in various ways. Our ANCESTORS knew about these laws!  🌻 Our CONSCIOUSNESS (mental, emotional & character) represent as # MIND #HEART & #SOUL and is a make up of subconscious beliefs, mindset and feelings about SELF & LIFE . Until we RAISE our consciousness and VIBEZ we will continue to wander in the desert 🌵 and remain in lack and limitat...

God is Examining Your Heart & Mind Daily!

  #ThoughtfulnThankful #AncientWisdom - Beloved, your HEART & MIND is being EXAMINED by GOD , Creator of the Universe, Infinite Intelligence, every single day, 24x7. Do not be deceived. EXAMINATION & JUDGEMENT  of the Heart & Mind is happening DAILY , not in the future and you are experiencing the CONSEQUENCES of these positive and or negative findings that God finds within! 📕 Psalms 26:2 - Test me, LORD, and try me, examine my HEART and my MIND; 🌻 Self Evaluation: What do think that God FINDS when he evaluates your HEART & MIND throughout the day?🧐  😃 Will God find # POSITIVE VIBRATIONAL ENERGY in your HEART such as love, forgiveness, harmony, happiness, hope, peace, faith, earnest expectation, etc mixed with THOUGHTS of creativity, plenty, goodness and overflow.  Or  😞 Will God find # NEGATIVE aka LOW VIBRATIONAL ENERGY in your HEART such as complaining, anger, envy, doubt, fear, grudge, guilt, jealousy, sadness, shame, strife, unfo...

Beware of the MALNOURISHED Mind & Soul!

  #WinningWisdom #FueltheMindBodySoul #AncientWisdom ☀️ Beware of the  MALNOURISHED   MIND & SOUL . Beloved, you  FOCUS primarily on the BODY but Your MIND, BODY & SOUL Needs To Be FED daily! You FEED your BODY at least 3x day but why have you FORSAKEN feeding your MIND & SOUL ?  📕 Luke 11:3 - Give us each day our daily bread 🌻 Fueling ⛽️ The Mind, Body & Soul. These 3 aspects of our life are EQUALLY important in different ways. When any one area is MALNOURISHED there are serious physical & spiritual consequences as a result. 🚨 Heaven and or Hell can be your REALITY right here on earth based on your NOURISHED or MALNOURISHED MIND & SOUL ! 🌻 OPTIMAL health of the mind, body or soul requires intentional maintenance! 😔 If we are experiencing consistent BLOCKS, CONFUSION, DELAYS, LACK, LIMITATION, SABOTAGE etc it’s because we are MALNOURISHED in the MIND . 😔 If we are exhibiting consistent COMPLAINING, FEAR, HATE, JEALOU...

Learn 2 LEVEL UP Your Expectations!

  #TransformationTuesday # LevelUpYourExpectations - Beloved, Life Is Designed to REWARD YOU with your EXPECTATIONS & BELIEFS at whatever level you are at! Your RESPONSIBILITY is to LEARN how to LEVEL UP 🆙 and “ EXPECT ” High ⬆️ vs Low ⬇️! It is always done unto us as we BELIEVE , HOPE or EXPECT ! 📕 Philippians 1:20 - according to my EARNEST expectation and hope, that I will not be put to shame in anything, but that with all boldness, Christ will even now, as always, be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. 🚨 Your PHYSICAL world is a REFLECTION of your INNER CONSCIOUSNESS world 🌎 The FRUITS fall from YOUR tree of knowledge! Whatever is FALLING DOWN AROUND you is the RESULT of what you have been SOWING # emotionally, #mentally and #spiritually daily and has taken ROOT throughout the years! If you have been SOWING apple 🍎 seeds 🌱 you WILL only reap apples 🍏 NOT mangoes 🥭 or oranges 🍊. Even if you fasted and prayed to God 24x7 to change it...

Protect Your ENERGY From Hijackers!

  #MindfulMonday #NextLevelKnowledge - # Energyiscontagious GOOD & BAD!  Don’t let people HIJACK your ENERGY ! PROTECT Yourself from Rotten Apples. Like the one rotten apple 🍎 rule, negative ENERGY ⚡️ aka VIBEZ from one person in a RELATIONSHIP can CORRUPT 😢 the entire relationship! This is for any RELATIONSHIP - marriage, romantic relationships, family,  friendship, projects, business partnerships etc 📕 1 Corinthians 15:33 - “bad company corrupts good character.” Be careful not to TAKE ON people’s energy or LOW or NEGATIVE VIBEZ! ☀️ Lots of good people went to JAIL or LOST everything due to NEGATIVE ENERGY INFLUENCE from a friend or partner so don’t sleep on the power of energy transfer. They can’t even tell WHY they did the foolishness because they don’t know their energy was hijacked!  🚨 We may NEVER understand why it’s easier for a ROTTEN APPLE 🍎 to affect the rest of the fruits or why the good apples can’t keep the rotten apples healthy! We do ...