What Does God Find When He EXAMINES Your Heart & Mind Daily!

#SoulfulSunday - Beloved, Are You PASSING or FAILING The TESTS When God EXAMINE Your HEART & MIND daily? The Results are in the TRAILS You Leave Behind! The LEVELS of our vibrational frequency which is magnetic 🧲 energy affects our life. Our life experiences is like a REPORT CARD of the inner condition of the heart & mind! 📕 Psalms 26:2 Test me, LORD, and try me, examine my heart and my mind; 🔆⭕️ The DAILY Tests of your VIBEZ aka inner EMOTIONS & THOUGHTS always leaves a TRAIL of FAILURES & SUCCESS ! LIFE IS LIKE A CHEMISTRY 🧪 FORMULA . There are formulas that when mixed together can create very different outcomes - positively and negatively! ⚛️🧪 😞 😢 Formula 1. When you are in the realm of consistent NEGATIVE vibrational frequency thoughts, beliefs, emotions and words our life experiences seems to mirror and attract more similar NEGATIVE people, situations and experiences. ⚛️🧪 😊 😃 Formula 2. When you are in the realm of consistent POSITI...