
Showing posts from April, 2023

Life Reflects The Heart so be EXCITED not FEARFUL!

  #ElevateHERseries #BeEXCITEDaboutLife #LifeReflectstheHEART by Inner Vibez Consulting - 🌻 Beloved, Be EXCITED About Life So Life Can Be Excited About You!  πŸ“• Proverbs 27:19 - As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart. ⚛️Our approach to life matters! WHY? Our OUTER life REFLECTS the INNER subconscious MIND and HEART!  ⚛️When we are PEACEFUL & EXCITED about LIFE from the subconscious MIND & HEART then life brings more things to be peaceful and excited about!  ⭕️When we are FEARFUL & WORRYING about LIFE from the subconscious MIND & HEART then life brings more things to be fearful and worried about!  ✴️It’s not personal. It’s simply God’s Natural Laws at work!  ⚛️If we payed attention to our energy we would discover that our deepest THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS are registering consistently low or negative vs high and positive! The levels of energy matters! ⚛️God is waiting on you to do the inner spiritual development work to rai...

Be Excited Not Fearful About Life!

  #ElevateHERseries #SpeakLifeEmpowerment by Inner Vibez Consulting #BeEXITEDaboutLife #removingbarriers #primingthemindforsuccess #breakthroughmindset #nextleveltherapy  Most times our DOUBTS, FEAR & WORRY blocks the plans that God has to PROSPER our lives with!  ‼️ Question. How Do I Live An Abundant & Fulfilling Life!  ❇️ Answer. BE “EXCITED” NOT “FEARFUL”ABOUT GOD’s PLANS TO PROSPER YOU! πŸ“• For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11.  πŸ”†YOUR VIBEZ ARE BLOCKING YOUR FLOW OF BLESSINGS!  πŸ’’Beloved, you are feeling BLOCKED or STUCK because you are too saturated in consistent and dominant low levels NEGATIVE energy!  πŸ’’Even though you say you Believe in God you may still be FEARFUL or DOUBTFUL about God’s plans to prosper you DEEP DOWN deep in your subconscious mind, beliefs and emotions and these emotions are transmitted into the un...

Practice Thinking Positively!

  #ElevateHERseries #SpeakLifeMinistries #PracticeThinkingPositive by Inner Vibez Consulting #GodiswaitingonYOU to do the INNER spiritual development work to RENEW the Mind, Heart & Soul!  ‼️ Question to Self. How Do I IMPROVE My Life Results?  ❇️PRACTICE Replacing NEGATIVE Thoughts & Emotions With POSITIVE Thoughts & Emotions! πŸ’’Your negative or limited, low level THINKING  & SUBCONSCIOUS BELIEFS are the culprit of the sabotage and blocks showing up! #lawofcauseandeffect  πŸ”†For you to EXPERIENCE differently you must 1st think, believe, feel, speak & act differently! Namaste πŸ™πŸ½  Donna Morton Morgan  Spiritual Self Development  & Mindset Coach  #womenofkultureINC #innervibezconsulting #mindsetofchrist #kingdomsuccesscodez  #spiritualselfdevelopment #elevateHER #elevateHIM

Be Excited NOT Envious For Others!

  #ElevateHER #BeEXITEDnotENVIOUS for others by Inner Vibez Consulting - Be EXCITED not ENVIOUS for others SUCCESS & PROMOTIONS πŸ’« There is a big difference in the VIBRATIONAL ENERGY between these 2 emotions!  πŸ”†The EXITED or EXPECTING energy will get more and the ENVY or JEALOUS energy will get less and lose what he or she has. It’s not personal. It’s God’s Natural Laws. πŸ”°When we see ABUNDANCE, PROSPERITY & PROMOTIONS showing up for others we can look at it 2 ways. πŸ’’We can look at the success of others NEGATIVELY (envy & jealousy) and say quietly to ourselves “LORD WHY ARE THEY ALWAYS GETTING MORE THAN ME. WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN”. This type of VIBRATIONAL ENERGY is low and destructive so you are sending out NEGATIVE energy into your mind, heart, soul and life! ❇️ We can look at the success of others #POSITIVELY (hope & excitement) and say quietly to ourselves “LORD I SEE ABUNDANCE, PROMOTION & PROSPERITY AROUND ME SO I KNOW ITS POSSIBLE FOR ME TO HAVE A...

Stop Rejecting God’s Plans 2 Prosper You!

#ElevateHER #ElevateHIM - STOP πŸ›‘ REJECTING GOD’s PLANS TO PROSPER YOU by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, You are DESERVING of Divine goodness and mercy!  We can learn to RELEASE BLOCKS and be successful in our lives when we understand that we have to STOP rejecting PROSPERITY. Where did you learn that you are NOT WORTHY of an abundant & fulfilling life. Now you must UNLEARN that limitation and RENEW the mind, heart and soul for success! ❇️PROSPERITY is not just MONEY πŸ’° it’s a FLOW of health, love, peace, happiness, harmony, unity, resources, supporters, promotion, protection, consistent healthy relationships, businesses, along with consistent flow of money to be a blessing to self, family and community!  πŸ’’When you REJECT prosperity you may be rejecting all of the above!  πŸ’’Whatever dominant vibration you send out about your life will ALWAYS come back to mirror or match you!  πŸ’’We have to learn to release negative or limited thoughts and emotions about the va...

Forgiveness Releases Blocks!

  #ElevateHER #ThePowerofFORGIVENESS by Inner Vibez Consulting - Many of us walk around at times feeling BLOCKED or out of FLOW in an area of life. #UNFORGIVENESS blocks your health, wealth & happiness. When we feel blocked, we should first look at SELF and not at others. Ask yourself who am I not forgiving? What negative energy do I need to release?  πŸ”† FORGIVE him. FORGIVE her. FORGIVE you ! Whatever he did. Whatever she did. Whatever you did. Forgive and release!  πŸ”†You have to RELEASE this negative, destructive energy of UNFORGIVENESS that is interrupting your goodness and mercy from following you!  πŸ’’When we HOLD ON to past hurt, trauma, pain etc we STORE it in our minds, heart & cells.  πŸ’’This low, negative ENERGY when stored BLOCKS the flow and you FEEL off which has a rippling domino effect! πŸ’’This low, negative ENERGY leads to depression, sickness and sadness! πŸ’’This low, negative ENERGY can BLOCK the channels of God’s BLESSINGS to you! ❇️ FORGI...

If You Seek GOD Then FEEL After Him In Your Mind & Heart!

  Beloved, if you SEEK GOD’s PROTECTION, PROMOTION & PROVISION then you must FEEL after him in your HEART and MIND ! πŸ“• Acts 17-27 That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might “ FEEL ” after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: ❇️ God, aka Infinite Intelligence Creator, Lord, Holy Spirit, Source, Universe etc is ALWAYS NEAR because God is WITHIN. The longer you search for a God that is far away, the longer you will remain in bondage emotionally, financially, mentally, physically and or spiritually.  πŸ”± God is not in a building or on a mountain top. God is Spirit. ❇️Whatever you choose to call God does not matter. What matters is your understanding that the Creator is ALWAYS with you so learn to connect and align with the love of God so that you may have an abundant and fulfilling life!  🌻 Your ROLE as a Child of God is to learn to FEEL after the mighty presence and spirit of God aka love, joy, peace and harmony! πŸ”† God is always ava...

Put on The Armor of God Daily!

  Beloved, be purposeful in putting on the Armor of God Daily by Taking Time To Elevate Your THOUGHTS & EMOTIONS about yourself to Defend You From The Devil’s Schemes! πŸ“• Ephesians 6:11 - “Put on the FULL ARMOR of GOD so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." πŸ’’The WARFARE that we come across daily first begins as negativity, limitation, corruption in our # MIND about SELF & LIFE which we adopt as our # BELIEFS which translates into inner # EMOTIONS such as anxiety, anger, doubt, fear, hate, hopelessness, grudges, resentment, sadness, unforgiveness, worry etc then act out in the physical realm as our words and actions.  🌻 When you become conscious and knowledgeable how to fight the Devil’s schemes you will become more powerful vs powerless in making decisions. πŸ’• You have GOD GIVEN abilities to defend yourself but you must to do the daily inner spiritual work to INCREASE YOUR FAITH of who and whose you are and about your circumstances!...

There is Purpose Behind The Delays!

  #ThePurposeBehindtheDelays - Beloved, the DELAYS mean either 1) we are NOT asking, 2) we are NOT ASKING PROPERLY or 3) we are ask with WRONG motives!  ✴️ Evaluation of SELF is always necessary in this journey called life. Corporations evaluate themselves quarterly to see what or how they need to improve their bottom line. This simple adjustment can make a big difference in your life results! ✴️ SOUL CHARACTER EVALUATION : What is being DELAYED in your life? Write them down. Is it love, health, money, children, promotion, happiness etc  πŸ’’Have you ASK GOD to intervene? You must ask on your behalf?  πŸ’’How do you ASK GOD to intervene? Do you ask with Faith or with fear, doubt and worry? πŸ’’What are your motives behind getting what you want?  Will you bless others or just self?  ✳️The DELAYS usually give us time to renew our MIND , cleanse our HEART & improve our SOUL CHARACTER . Take the delay as there is work to be done on self. This SOUL characte...

Take Courage & Increase Your Faith!

   #RaiseYourFaithLevel - Increasing #FAITH takes practice . Beloved, God is waiting on you to TAKE COURAGE & INCREASE your FAITH about the circumstances to HEAL your life. When you LEARN to INCREASE your FAITH about WHO & WHOSE you are you will be able to FREE yourself from the emotional, financial, mental and physical bondages of this world!  πŸ’’The Master Teacher Jesus tells us repeatedly that it is our FAITH and our BELIEFS about the situation that is the conduit in this world to move our mountains.  πŸ’’ When you BELIEVE LITTLE for your life then LITTLE will be given! When you learn to BELIEVE MUCH for your life then much will be given. πŸ’’You see we were purposely taught a LIMITED version of SELF from childhood, environment, society etc so we really DONT KNOW who we are. We have no idea of our GOD GIVEN senses to navigate this world effectively so we wander in the wilderness for 40 years looking for a route to our solution to our problems.  πŸ’’W...

The Mind, Heart & Soul Relationship!

  The #Mind #Heart #Soul Relationship by Inner Vibez Consulting - TRANSFORMATION is a daily spiritual process that begins ➡️ in the # MINDy . People REVERT back or backslide to their old ways because their MIND aka thoughts & HEART aka feelings did not truly change so their soul character didn’t change.  πŸ’’ People struggle SECRETLY because they don’t understand the daily repetition process required for change. People like quick fixes so many REFUSE to do the daily INNER work required to change for whatever personal reasons. πŸ’’TRANSFORMATION - replace the old self with the new self . The OLD limited or negative thoughts, beliefs, feelings and habits need to be UNLEARNED and NEW habits RELEARNED! This process can take years to correct unless something life threatening happens. We learned and adopted this limitation from childhood or trauma so it is embedded deep in our psyche.  πŸ’’ YOUR SOUL CHARACTER always reflect your INNER dominant (positive and negative) THO...

God Is With YOU Always!

Beloved, YOU are never far from the presence of the Creator, God, Infinite Intelligence, Source, Jah etc etc, You just believe that you are based on past teachings. Divine Presence is With YOU 24 x 7 Wherever You are. You Just Need To Go Into the SILENCE & Connect With That Presence of Love & Light πŸ’‘ daily! 🌻 Take a few minutes in your car, at home, at work, on your walk, waiting for appointments etc and just BE STILL and communicate with your Spiritual Partner.  🚨 You see the CREATOR is the COACH and YOU are the PLAYER of life . The coach is always on the sidelines with the play book. The coach never gets in the game. Only the players are in the game! 😞 You have been waiting for God to play your game of life! IT’s TIME to personally connect with GOD your Spiritual Coach for guidance and direction to PLAY your game of life! ⭐️ Take time to BE STILL and get INTO ALIGNMENT with Divine Healing Energy. 🌟 Give THANKS for your many blessings. ⭐️ FORGIVE past traumas, hur...

Elevate HER Mind, Heart & Soul!

  #ElevateHERSeries - Every single day your job is to carve out time on your to do list to ELEVATE HER . Who is HER - the emotional, mental and spiritual SELF aka (Energy Management System). Having others to acknowledge or compliment you is a PLUS. However you don’t want to become dependent on others to validate who you are. ✳️ It’s not your partner’s, your parents or your friends responsibility to ELEVATE HER. That assignment is yours! 🌟 Be COMMITTED to lifting HER up! Be COMMITTED to FUELING ⛽️ her MIND, BODY, HEART & SOUL!  🌟 REMIND HER how AMAZING, BLESSED and CONFIDENT she is and an abundant and fulfilling life is available to her! 🌟 REMIND HER how far she has come despite the trauma, pain, losses, etc so never give up on herself. 🌟 REMIND HER that she is a CHILD of GOD therefore she is PERFECT, WHOLE & COMPLETE. 🌟 REMIND HER that God’s Plan is to PROSPER HER!  🌟 REMIND HER to continue to ELEVATE HER thoughts, beliefs, emotions, words and action...

Water Flowers & Not Weeds In Your Mind!

   #DailyMentalToDoList #MentalMaintenance #MentalEnergy #PositiveVibes #VibezMatter #VibezRule #WaterFlowersnotWeedsinYourMind by Inner Vibez Consulting - We usually focus on a PHYSICAL to do list but having a # MENTAL To Do List is crucial for an ABUNDANT, HAPPY, HEALTHY and FULFILLING life!  ❇️ Beloved, your WEEDS are choking out your FLOWERS and BLOCKING your BLESSINGS ! More and more each day we see the results of unchecked WEEDS taking control of the Garden πŸ’ of the MIND .  🌻YOUR JOB is to WATER πŸ’¦ the MENTAL FLOWERS πŸ’ DAILY with LOVE, KINDNESS, POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS & MANTRAS to pull out the NEGATIVE WEEDS that have a STRONGHOLD over your LIFE! πŸ’’WEEDS of LIMITED BELIEFS about self, low SELF CONFIDENCE, low SELF LOVE and low SELF WORTH will CHOKE out and LIMIT the BLESSINGS (marriage, relationship, career, business, advancements, money etc) that you really deserve in life!  πŸ’’WEEDS of TRAUMA , HURT, PAIN, DISAPPOINTMENT, REJECTION etc left ...