Life Reflects The Heart so be EXCITED not FEARFUL!

#ElevateHERseries #BeEXCITEDaboutLife #LifeReflectstheHEART by Inner Vibez Consulting - π» Beloved, Be EXCITED About Life So Life Can Be Excited About You! π Proverbs 27:19 - As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart. ⚛️Our approach to life matters! WHY? Our OUTER life REFLECTS the INNER subconscious MIND and HEART! ⚛️When we are PEACEFUL & EXCITED about LIFE from the subconscious MIND & HEART then life brings more things to be peaceful and excited about! ⭕️When we are FEARFUL & WORRYING about LIFE from the subconscious MIND & HEART then life brings more things to be fearful and worried about! ✴️It’s not personal. It’s simply God’s Natural Laws at work! ⚛️If we payed attention to our energy we would discover that our deepest THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS are registering consistently low or negative vs high and positive! The levels of energy matters! ⚛️God is waiting on you to do the inner spiritual development work to rai...