The I AM or I CANT Mindset!

#SpiritualTherapy #TheIAMmindset or the #ICANTmindset Which MINDSET is Your MASTER by Inner Vibez Consulting π Luke 16:13-15 “You cannot serve two masters at the same time. You will hate one master and love the other. Or you will be loyal to one and not care about the other. πThe Bible has golden nuggets to guide us in our everyday life. We get so caught up in looking at the verses from a religious perspective vs a practical example of daily living that we miss key points about productive tips and guidance for life on earth! π°Each person has a MINDSET aka perspective aka expectation about life - positively (I AM) and negatively (I CANT) in different areas of life. Their mindset differs greatly depending on their ENVIRONMENT, FAMILY, FRIENDS, SUPPORT RELIGION etc stemming as far back as childhood. Add trauma, negative life experiences and you have a deep rooted perspective that becomes a stronghold which is passed on for generations! π°The MINDSET coul...