
Showing posts from August, 2023

The I AM or I CANT Mindset!

   #SpiritualTherapy #TheIAMmindset or the #ICANTmindset Which MINDSET is Your MASTER by Inner Vibez Consulting  πŸ“• Luke 16:13-15  “You cannot serve two masters at the same time. You will hate one master and love the other. Or you will be loyal to one and not care about the other. πŸ”†The Bible has golden nuggets to guide us in our everyday life. We get so caught up in looking at the verses from a religious perspective vs a practical example of daily living that we miss key points about productive tips and guidance for life on earth!  πŸ”°Each person has a MINDSET aka perspective aka expectation about life - positively (I AM) and negatively (I CANT) in different areas of life. Their mindset differs greatly depending on their ENVIRONMENT, FAMILY, FRIENDS, SUPPORT RELIGION etc stemming as far back as childhood. Add trauma, negative life experiences and you have a deep rooted perspective that becomes a stronghold which is passed on for generations! πŸ”°The MINDSET coul...

Are You the Master or Slave to Your MIND?

  #SpiritualTherapy⚜️   #TheBattleoftheMIND  #RenewingtheMind #LearntoMastertheCorruptMIND by Inner Vibez Consulting πŸ“• Romans 7:23 - But there is another POWER within me that is at war with my MIND. This power makes me a SLAVE to the sin that is still within me. πŸ”°Beloved, the Battle of the Mind is a DAILY occurrence that we must participate in and choose to win or lose.  πŸ”°Every single day when we wake up we must commit to #RENEW the corrupt, limited, negative or stinking thinking that we have about SELF, LIFE & others. ‼️We dont have to continue to be a SLAVE To The Corrupt MIND! The corrupt MIND is simply a PROGRAM of LIMITING #thoughts and #beliefs that we have acquired from childhood. Majority of the beliefs don’t serve us positively but we are stuck with it until we change the programming! πŸ†˜ Until WE CHANGE THE INNER program of SELF which is the ROOT cause, the OUTER experiences will not CHANGE or have lasting change!  Like a computer program we oper...

God Is With Her Always!

   #SpiritualTherapy -  #GODisWithHER by Inner Vibez Consulting   πŸ“• Deut. 20:4 - For the LORD your GOD goes with YOU to FIGHT for YOU against your ENEMIES to give you VICTORY! πŸ”°The presence of God is With Us ALWAYS. However we have to learn to use our GOD GIVEN ARMORS of #MIND & #HEART to ACTIVATE the Divine Presence to HELP US fight our BATTLES for us on earth!  ❌Our ENEMIES are not just PHYSICAL people that want to do harm to us. Our enemies can also be #EMOTIONAL and #MENTAL! ‼️Our ENEMIES can be the negative, destructive or limited #THOUGHTS we have about ourselves! ‼️Our ENEMIES can be the silent yet destructive #EMOTIONS πŸ–€ of GRIEF, STRESS, UNFORGIVENESS & WORRY that we carry in our hearts which implodes into our cells and organs of our body causing DIS-EASE to the body! ⚜️Divine Intelligence, Almighty God is always with us and can assist us in our EMOTIONAL, MENTAL OR PHYSICAL BATTLES but we have to SEEK & ASK to ACTIVATE the God presence s...

I AM Affirmations For The Soul!

  #IAMAffirmations - Elevate your Life with the Power of #IAM #spiritualtherapy - Fuel⛽️ your MIND, HEART & SOUL throughout the day! #TheGodPowerofIAM #TheIAMconsciousness #spiritualawakening  #spiritualgrowth #iam #iamthatiam #nextlevelmindset #positivevibes #consciousness #lovemovement I AM AFFIRMATIONS Abundant Blessed Confident  Dynamic  Energetic  Faithful  Grateful  Healthy Inspiring Joyful  Kind Love Magnificent  Nature Opulent  Prosperous  Queen Renewed  Successful  Transformed Unique  Victorious Wealthy Xquisite  Zen

“I AM” Is The Way, Truth & Life!

  #SpiritualTherapy #IAMistheNameofGOD #ThePowerofIAM #IAMistheWayTruthandLife by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, from the beginning we were told how God’s said to represent him as.  “I AM” So why do we ignore the power and presence of the mighty and miraculous words of “I AM”? ‼️WE HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO BLESS OR CURSE OUR LIVES VIA OUR THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS & WORDS SO CHOOSE WISELY!  πŸ“• 14 God said to Moses, “I AM who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” πŸ“• Jesus said to him, 'I AM the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). ❇️ We all know that the Bible was translated by men and was later edited by men who had their own best interest in mind! Diversion from majority of people being able to represent as the BEST VERSION best of SELF on this earth was the AGENDA and will always be the AGENDA for those in charge!  πŸ”± Jesus came to deliver the same message that Moses did...

She is BLESSED Because She Gives!

  #SpiritualTherapy⚜️ #BlessedbyGiving by Inner Vibez Consulting  πŸ”°SHE is BLESSED because SHE opens her HEART & ARMS to the Needy! πŸ“• Proverbs 31:20 - She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.  ✴️ Beloved, your BLESSINGS may be DELAYED simply because you are not SERVING GOD with your gifts, time or money! ✴️ Serving the LESS FORTUNATE is very important to God. If you say that you love and represent God then service should be on your daily TO DO List!  ✴️ God is not only to be praised in churches once a week. God is NOT IMPRESSED by your TITLES. God wants REPRESENTATION from YOU serving the needy in your community! In addition, teach those you serve to turn around and serve others in some way!  πŸ’―Whatever little you have in your possession today GIVE from that! ❌ Stop waiting for MORE MONEY πŸ’°before you give money. You will never get it with that mindset.  ❌ Stop waiting for MORE TIME before you give time. You will never get it ...

She is BLESSED Because She Believes!

  #SheisBLESSEDbecauseSheBELIEVES by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, your #BLESSINGS may be DELAYED because your #BELIEF level about WHO & WHOSE you are is NOT HIGH enough yet! You don’t yet grasp the Divine partnership and support you have with God! 🌻 SHE is BLESSED when? ➡️ only when she BELIEVES that God will Bless her.  πŸ“• Luke 1:45 - Blessed is SHE who has BELIEVED that the Lord would fulfill his PROMISES to her! Majority of us BELIEVE in God but the ISSUE is many times WE don’t believe in the PROMISES and PLANS that God has for US! The lack of belief on the latter end DELAYS our blessings!  FYI, you may BELIEVE HIGH ⬆️ in some areas of life yet LOW ⬇️ in other areas!  God’s Divine PROMISES and prosperous PLANS are already FULFILLED and in place for us but most of the time we DONT TRULY BELIEVE deep down that the promises extend to us! Our very own LACK of BELIEF activates delay, blocks, sabotage etc  ‼️Because of the limited or negative information ...

She Is Divinely Clothed By God!

  #SpiritualTherapy #PartnershipWithGod #StrengthandDignity #SheIsDivinelyClothed by Inner Vibez Consulting -  πŸ“•Prov. 31:25 - She is clothed with STRENGTH and DIGNITY; she can laugh at the days to come. ⚜️STRENGTH & DIGNITY is not automatic. Its a DIVINE clothing aka SPIRITUAL SUPPORT that comes as a result of true TRANSFORMATION of the MIND, HEART & SOUL! ⚜️It comes as a result of building a daily personal RELATIONSHIP with God! ⚜️It comes as a result of TRUSTING God in the storms, difficulties and obstacles which increases your FAITH! ⚜️It comes as a result of REJOICING & GIVING THANKS even in the Dry Places! ⚜️It comes as a result of consistent PRAYING!  ⚜️It comes as a result of RENEWING the MIND of past corrupt, negative thoughts and limited beliefs about self and what life has to offer! ⚜️ It comes as a result of CLEANSING the HEART from past stored emotions of anger, fear, resentment, unforgiveness, worry etc caused by trauma!  ⚜️It comes as a res...

Daily Renewal of The Mind!

 #SpiritualTherapy 🧰⚒️  #DailyRenewaloftheMind by Inner Vibez Consulting - God’s plan to PROSPER is always in place for us but we have to learn to ALIGN with the plans by renewing the corrupt mind & heart every single day! πŸ“• Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for YOU, declares the Lord, plans to PROSPER you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE. πŸ’―Our job each day that we wake up is to ALIGN or PLUG πŸ”Œ into God’s promises over our life. God’s plans are not faulty it’s our awareness and acceptance of his plans that are corrupt and faulty! 🧰⚒️ Every single day when we wake up we have to carve out a few minutes to RENEW the MIND about God’s plans for us! We have to remind ourselves that we are a Child of the most high. We have to remind ourselves DAILY that we are supported by God’s WRAP AROUND support in all our endeavors. We are Divinely supported emotionally, financially, mentally, physically and spiritually.  🧰⚒️ Every single day when...

Celebrate the Small Wins!

  #SpiritualTherapy #PutOnTheArmorofGod ⚔️ #CELEBRATEtheSMALLwins by Inner Vibez Consulting  - Most times in life we STRIVE for the BIG goals and forget about the small WINS which moves us closer to the BIG Goal! πŸ“• 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - REJOICE always, PRAY continually, GIVE THANKS in ALL circumstances; πŸ† Why should we CELEBRATE the SMALL WINS  ❌DISTRACTION OF THE ENEMY: When we only focus on the BIG goal πŸ₯… and not the small milestones we easily get FRUSTRATED and even feel DEFEATED at times because we don’t see or have resources yet! ❌When we don’t quite have the WRAP AROUND SUPPORT or RESOURCES (Emotionally, Financially, Mentally, Physically or Spiritually) we need to complete our goals we have to be careful of not going into a SPIRIT OF DEFEAT! ⁉️Any UNBALANCE in the WRAP AROUND SUPPORT that we need can lead to FRUSTRATION which is a tool used by the enemy to take you off track!  🚫 Frustration leads to GIVING UP!  🚫 Frustration leads to POOR JUDGMENT...

The Lord is My Strength!

  #MiracleMantras #Daily #SpiritualTherapy #TheLordIsMyStrength πŸŒ€#TimewithGOD #ActivateYourSpiritualHELP by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, connecting with GOD daily via the #HEART activates your HELP! πŸ“• Psalm 28:7 - The Lord is my STRENGTH and my SHIELD; my HEART trust in him, and I am helped:  πŸŒ€HELP comes when our HEART “trusts” in God. Help does not come because of our religious activities or even our vain efforts and shouting!  ⚜️HELP is the STRENGTH (courage to keep moving forward) and PROTECTION (shield from enemies, sickness, loss etc) from God and the  PROVISION (support of resources and people) to benefit your journey!  ⚜️The HEART is JUDGED daily not when you die. We cannot fool God! We may speak or act like we are TRUSTING God but our HEART is registering little faith! πŸ’―The HEART is the measure that GOD uses to TEST us before our BLESSINGS are activated! The delay of the blessings are a sign that we are not yet ready in some way or we have not d...

Choose BLESSINGS For Your Life!

  #SpiritualTherapy #ChooseBLESSINGSnotCurses by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, every single day that we open our eyes we will be faced with MAKING CHOICES that will affect SELF & FUTURE GENERATIONS to come #POSITIVELY or #NEGATIVELY! πŸ’―CHOOSE WISELY. CHOOSE BLESSINGS not CURSES FOR SELF & FAMILY! πŸ“• Deuteronomy 30:19 -  “that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore CHOOSE life, so that you and your descendants may live” πŸ”°The CHOICES WE make each day will affect us either πŸ”†POSITIVELY with BLESSINGS OR ❌ NEGATIVELY with CURSES. The decisions not only affect us but it follows to FUTURE GENERATIONS as generational cycles! πŸ†˜ The AREAS AFFECTED may be regarding our HEALTH, WELLBEING, FAMILY, RELATIONSHIPS, MONEY, BUSINESS, CAREER, HAPPINESS, FREEDOM etc πŸ”°To make CHOICES that BLESS vs CURSE our LIFE  it’s important to maintain a HEALTHY & POSITIVE MINDSET & PERSPECTIVE about SELF and what LIFE has to offer us and gain God’s W...

Elevate Your VIBEZ & Elevate Your LIFE!

  #SpiritualTherapy #WinningWednesday #LovingGodWithYourMindnHeart by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, We WIN πŸ† more in Life When WE Are In IN ALIGNMENT & IN HARMONY With God! πŸ“• Jeremiah 29:13 - You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your HEART. πŸ“• Isaiah 26:3 - “You will keep in perfect peace those whose MINDS are steadfast, because they trust in you.”  πŸ” SEEK GOD daily by RENEWING the corrupt MIND and GUARDING the HEART so your WELL aka LIFE can overflow with goodness and mercy!  πŸ›‘ Because most of us were never taught on this level of ancient spiritual WISDOM we are CLUELESS and UNAWARE of how our conscious & subconscious THOUGHTS & EMOTIONS collaborate with God, Universe & Nature and affect our lives positively and negatively. Even with learning this knowledge we have to be MINDFUL each DAY throughout the day as we are being JUDGED accordingly by God, Universe & Mother Nature! ❇️ Being in HARMONY with God is representing (VI...