High VIBEZ Is Being In HARMONY with God!

#SpiritualTherapy # HIGHVibez attract more #HIGHLevelLiving and # LOWVibez attract more # LOWLevelLiving by Inner Vibez Consulting - 🔆 GOD created his earth with Universal RULES & PRINCIPLES that we should learn to abide by! Beloved, when YOU are in HIGH VIBEZ you are in HARMONY with GOD so more GOODNESS and mercy follows you! When you are in LOW VIBEZ you are NOT in HARMONY with GOD so more foolishness & failures follows you! ✳️ Through out the Bible we are told to keep our VIBEZ aka VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY aka (#Thoughts & #Heart Emotions) GUARDED, RENEWED & HIGH, REJOICING with Joy, Love, Peace, Excitement, Expectation etc. 💯There is a reason behind this spiritual concept and practice of high expectations and rejoicing that was not told to us but was practiced long before the Bible from the ancient ancestors! 📕 Psalm 37:4 - Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart 🚫 MOST PEOPLE ARE NOT HAPPY UNTI...