
Showing posts from July, 2023

High VIBEZ Is Being In HARMONY with God!

  #SpiritualTherapy # HIGHVibez attract more #HIGHLevelLiving and # LOWVibez attract more # LOWLevelLiving by Inner Vibez Consulting -  🔆 GOD created his earth with Universal RULES & PRINCIPLES that we should learn to abide by! Beloved, when YOU are in HIGH VIBEZ you are in HARMONY with GOD so more GOODNESS and mercy follows you! When you are in LOW VIBEZ you are NOT in HARMONY with GOD so more foolishness & failures follows you! ✳️ Through out the Bible we are told to keep our VIBEZ aka VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY aka (#Thoughts & #Heart Emotions) GUARDED, RENEWED & HIGH, REJOICING with Joy, Love, Peace, Excitement, Expectation etc.  💯There is a reason behind this spiritual concept and practice of high expectations and rejoicing that was not told to us but was practiced long before the Bible from the ancient ancestors!  📕 Psalm 37:4 - Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart 🚫 MOST PEOPLE ARE NOT HAPPY UNTI...

God Wants You To LOVE People Not Just Him!

  ⁉️TOO MANY PEOPLE CLAIM TO LOVE GOD BUT UNABLE TO SHOW LOVE TO THEIR PARTNER, FAMILY, CHILDREN etc! #SpiritualTherapy #SoulfulSunday - GOD wants us to Focus on Building #LOVING Relationships With Each Other by Inner Vibez Consulting Beloved, it’s HYPOCRITICAL to focus on a Loving relationship with God but IGNORE building loving relationships with your #partner, #family #children etc  ✅ MAINTAINING LOVING RELATIONSHIPS  IS YOUR 1st MINISTRY   📕 1 Peter 4:8 - Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. ⚛️The BIBLE is a wonderful book that gives GUIDELINES on how to live and LOVE self and others . It encourages high moral values. It gives guidance in parables on natural universal ways to avoid conflicts and curses in our life and how to attract goodness and mercy in our life! ❌However many of us don’t look to the Bible to learn how to build LOVING relationships with our loved ones, neighbors etc but only towards God! ⁉️ How can w...

Breaking Generational Cycles By Renewing The HEART 💜

  #SpiritualTherapy Part 2 #HEART Focus! #BreakingNEGATIVEGenerationalCycles by #RenewingTheHEART ❤️ by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, If YOU don’t do the Spiritual Development work to BREAK GENERATIONAL CYCLES, then your CHILDREN will have to fight those battles!  📕 Proverbs 17:20 - One whose HEART is corrupt does not prosper; 💜 My previous blog we talked about RENEWING the MIND but this blog will be on RENEWING the HEART!  ⁉️HOW DOES THE HEART BECOME CORRUPT? 🆘 We ALL learned LACK & LIMITATION about some area in life from childhood or from trauma experiences. That’s why as adults, different people STRUGGLE in different areas. There are 3 major areas we assess - HEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS & MONEY! ♨️Some will WIN in regards to MONEY but will LOSE in regards to RELATIONSHIPS or HEALTH and vice versa then there are some that lose in all 3 major areas.  🔐 The Bible has numerous references & Key Points to GUARDING the HEART because it is the WELL SPRING of...

Breaking NEGATIVE Generational Cycles by Renewing The Mind!

  BREAKING NEGATIVE GENERATIONAL CYCLES By RENEWING The MIND  by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, If YOU don’t do the Spiritual Development work to BREAK NEGATIVE GENERATIONAL CYCLES , then your CHILDREN will have to fight those battles!  ✳️ Generational Cycles can be POSITIVE & NEGATIVE traits and is LEARNED BEHAVIOR of what we saw, heard or experienced as children!  ‼️If we learned POOR EATING HABITS, SELF CARE etc in the home then we will we operate from that programming and most likely pass that on to our own family recycling diseases 🦠 for generations to come!  Most diseases are not caused by GENES 🧬 they are caused by POOR DIET & LACK OF EXERCISE !  ‼️If we learned NEGATIVE HABITS, WORDS, EMOTIONS, ACTIONS & DYSFUNCTION etc in the home then we will operate from that programming and  we are HIGHLY likely to repeat and past it on to generations until someone does the INNER spiritual development work!   ‼️If we learned LACK ...

An Elevated LIFE requires Elevated BELIEFS!

  #SpiritualTherapy  #ItIsDoneAccordingToYourBELIEFS #AnELEVATEDLifeRequiresElevatedBeliefs by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, Your BLESSINGS are WAITING For YOU to ELEVATE your # THOUGHTS & #BELIEFS aka #MINDSET about LIFE ! That’s the LAW that the Creator put in place! If you don’t do the spiritual development work absolutely nothing will change for you!  📕 Matthew 8:13  - As YOU have believed, let it be done for you.”  ⛔️Until the SPIRITUAL process of RENEWING the corrupt # MIND from lack & limitation and or RELEASING negative destructive emotions such as fear, resentment, unforgiveness, worry etc from your # HEART , you will REMAIN at the LEVEL you are in life. Even if you get a break it won’t LAST!  WHY? Your VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY is NOT consistently in ALIGNMENT with GOODNESS & MERCY!  ✅ WE GET WHAT WE VIBRATE TO! It’s not personal. It’s Law! So we must learn and practice raising our VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY to GOODNESS not ...

Think On GOOD Things About Your Life!

  #SpiritualTherapy #SpiritualSelfDevelopment #SpiritualKeystoSuccess #ThinkonGOODThings ⚜️by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved God is waiting on YOU to CONTINUALLY THINK on GOOD THINGS for your life vs you continually thinking about bills, poor health, unhappy relationships, past traumas, the backstabbing, life’s problems etc which is causing more foolishness to come your way! ✅ You see, Life is about RECIPROCATING with nature. Like a SEED You MUST first plant something aka SOW to GOD and his universal laws and principles and IN RETURN you will REAP what you planted! It’s not personal it’s law. 🌱 If you PLANT predominantly lack & foolish thoughts & emotions then more lack and foolishness will follow you! 🌱 If you PLANT predominant goodness & mercy thoughts and emotions then more goodness and mercy will follow you!  📕 Philippians 4:8 - Finally, believers, whatever is TRUE, whatever is HONORABLE and worthy of RESPECT, whatever is RIGHT and confirmed by God’s wor...

You Are God’s Masterpiece!

  #YouAreGodsMasterpiece by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved YOU are God’s MASTERPIECE here to do GOOD WORKS however you must be SPIRITUALLY transformed by being RENEWED in the MIND, HEART & SOUL character (Christlike) to do the work effectively!  📕 Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s masterpiece to do good works, created in Christ, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Against such things there is no law. ❇️There is an ASSIGNMENT that God prepared in advance for us but we got BOGGED down & DETOURED with life experiences, challenges and of course society’s dumbing down of our spiritual powers!  ✅ As we begin to do the daily INNER SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT work to develop the MIND, HEART & SOUL CHARACTER, the FOG LIFTS and the people and tools needed will slowly appear to signal to us that we are on the right path.  ❇️ Sometimes we will feel under equipped or under qualified in various ways to complete the tasks at hand and may hesitate or even think ...


  #SINBeginsInTheHeart💕 by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, physical # SIN is the result of consistent & dominant SINNING in your #THOUGHTS & #HEART aka the Subconscious!  Society has us focusing only on the #PHYSICAL aspects of life but the # EMOTIONAL & #MENTAL realm is where production 📦 begins! The physical experiences is the REAPING of what you have been SOWING consistently and dominantly in your thoughts and heart!  📕 Matthew 15:19-20 - 19 For out of the HEART come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20 These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”  ‼️We look down and JUDGE people for their negative or SINFUL ACTIONS but ARE YOU AWARE that you are SECRETLY SINNING in your MIND and HEART 🖤 when you DWELL on NEGATIVE THOUGHTS & EMOTIONS such as ENVY,  FEAR, GOSSIP, GRUDGES, GUILT, HATE, RESENTMENT, UNFORGIVENESS, UNKINDNESS, WORRY etc which repre...

JOY is God Energy & Gives You Strength!

  #JOYIntheMindHeartnSoul 🌼 by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, #JOY like #LOVE is a #GOD (Positive) #ENERGY so it can be used for STRENGTH to EMPOWER LIFE! Whereas Anger, Complaining, Hate, Fear, Resentment, Unforgiveness, Worry etc are NEGATIVE DESTRUCTIVE ENERGY that DESTROYS life!  📕 Nehemiah 8:10 - The JOY of the Lord is your strength.  JOY is a powerful 💥 SPIRITUAL ingredient that YOU the SPIRIT BEING needs in the mystical recipe to ELEVATE the various areas in your LIFE! ⭕️You are a Spirit in a human body. Your battles will always be in the spiritual realm first then the physical!  The Bible reveals NUGGETS to guide us on this journey called life. However many of us were not taught to look at the Bible as a coded LIFE MANUAL but more so as a religious manual!  ⁉️WHY IS JOY SO CRITICAL & BRING STRENGTH? 🔆LOVE, JOY & PEACE in the MIND, HEART & SOUL are the TOP 🔝 3 VIBRATIONAL ENERGY that each spiritual being must overcome and conquer in li...

Activate Your BLESSINGS With God’s Laws & Principles!

  #YourBlessingsAreWaitingonYOU by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, LIFE isn’t working too well for YOU? Are you too often in DRY PLACES? There is a SPIRITUAL process that you must do FIRST to ALLOW & RECEIVE your BLESSINGS! You must learn to get out of your own way so that you can #PROSPER in your #HEALTH #MARRIAGE #RELATIONSHIPS #CAREER #BUSINESS #MONEY etc  ‼️Our actions are required 1st then God’s Universal Laws and Principles mysteriously respond to us. We all must adhere and practice the laws daily! ✴️You can TRANSFORM Your Life When You No Longer THINK, FEEL, SPEAK or ACT like the wicked, When You Learn the Laws, practice DELIGHT in the Laws & MEDITATE on the Laws.  📕 Psalms 1:1-3 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 📕 2. but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. 📕 3. That person is like a tree planted by streams...

Your CUP Runneth Over Despite Your Enemies!

   #YourCupRunnethOver by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, When Your ENERGY is LOVE 💕 Your Cup Will Continue To OVERFLOW Even In The Midst of ENEMIES! 📕 Psalms 23-5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows.  🔆The Bible says we will have enemies amongst us but we don’t have to FEAR! When you have KNOWLEDGE of how to MANAGE your spiritual energy you can enter the LIONS DEN and not be affected! ❇️When our VIBRATIONAL ENERGY aka VIBEZ is consistently IN ALIGNMENT with positive, constructive aka God’s ENERGY of # love, #joy, #peace, #forgiveness, #kindness, #goodness, #faithfulness, #gentleness and #selfcontrol we are naturally rewarded with blessings, creativity, ideas, opportunities aka Favor to match those HIGH Frequency energy!  ‼️When we allow our VIBRATIONAL ENERGY to lower or GET OUT OF ALIGNMENT from God’s positive, constructive ENERGY to low, negative, destructive ENERGY of anger, doubt, f...

You are The Treasure That Unlocks His Favor!

  #RelationshipTuesday #YouAreaTreasure by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, Understand That You Are a TREASURE 💎 to Your Relationship but you must understand the Divine ancient wisdom, knowledge and understanding of your Goddess Energy!  📕 Proverbs 18:22 The MAN who finds a WIFE finds a TREASURE, and he receives favor from the LORD. 🌻 You being in your Man’s life is not just for love or companionship. It’s so FAVOR can find him to ELEVATE him! He needs your LOVE to GROW 🆙 emotionally, financially, mentally, physically and spiritually ‼️BUT‼️ he must learn to SOW back into YOU on those same levels!  🚫Unfortunately as a Daughter of the most high, if he mistreats you or is not able to express his appreciation of you, FAVOR will leave him and he will lose his way until he repents in his heart! It’s not personal it’s law.  🔆When He SEEK, FIND & TREASURE YOU He Will Find FAVOR From God! Not when you go looking to find him!  🔆His SOUL CHARACTER & ...

Vibez Don’t Lie But People Do!

  #ElevatedMindsetSeries #VibezDontLie - People may lie to you but know that their VIBEZ will always reflect the inner self! We CANT HIDE from our #THOUGHTS. Our INNER THOUGHTS will always impact how we ➡️FEEL which will then impact the ➡️MOOD or ACTIONS we take in life! ⁉️ You want to really know how people feel about a situation? WATCH their ACTIONS on a regular basis!  ⁉️If you are a EMPLOYER and want to know how the Employee thinks & feels about his or her job, just begin to watch their MOOD or ACTIONS!  ⁉️If you are in a INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP or FRIENDSHIP and want to know how the other person thinks & feels about the relationship just begin to watch their MOOD or ACTIONS! ⁉️If you are in a PROJECT or BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP and want to know how the other person thinks & feels about the partnership just begin to watch their MOOD or ACTIONS! ⛔️ VIBEZ DONT LIE! People naturally ACT or create a MOOD based on how they truly THINK & FEEL consistently on a SUB...

Power UP Your Life With Miracle Mantras!

  #SoulfulSunday - Power 💥 UP Your LIFE with Miracle Mantras by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved you can POWER UP your HEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS, HAPPINESS, CAREER, BUSINESS etc by injecting positive MANTRAS throughout the day!  📕 1 Thessalonians 5:17- 19 - PRAY without ceasing, 18 in everything give GIVE THANKS; 19 Do not quench the Spirit.  ✴️ “ Do Not Quench The Spirit” There is a mysterious mystical energetic power behind repeating spiritual and uplifting MANTRAS . A Mantra is a phrase or verse that we repeat silently or quietly throughout the day to empower our THOUGHTS, HEART & SOUL! Studies suggest that humans have about 60k THOUGHT S per day and MAJORITY of these are   NEGATIVE limited, fearful, worry, stress thoughts. These types of consistent negative conscious and subconscious thoughts then trigger NEGATIVE EMOTIONS which then triggers diseases of the mind, body & soul character or actions!  We hurt ourselves on SEVERAL LEVELS when we SOW ...

Do You Have a THRIVING or SURVIVING Mindset?

 Beloved, aim to #THRIVE not just #SURVIVE in Life by Inner Vibez Consulting - Life can beat us up in so many ways that it’s possible to lose our ZEST for life! Our #MIND & #HEART can become bogged down with hurt, trauma, rejection etc from our past or current responsibilities and stress which can slowly cover our FIRE 🔥 or DESIRE in life. This internal #MOOD can prevent us from being the BEST VERSION of SELF in the different areas of LIFE!  💯 FYI, YOU ARE DOING A DISSERVICE TO THE PEOPLE CLOSEST TO YOU WHEN YOU ARE IN A SURVIVAL MOOD or MINDSET! 💯 FYI, YOU ARE NOT APPRECIATING THE PEOPLE CLOSEST TO YOU FULLY WHEN YOU ARE IN A SURVIVAL MOOD or MINDSET! 💯 FYI, YOU ARE NOT BEING THE BEST VERSION OF SELF FOR YOU OR GOD WHEN YOU ARE IN A SURVIVAL MOOD or MINDSET! ‼️When your MIND & HEART is in a #SURVIVING MOOD it reflects #LOW levels of desire, energy, hope, interest etc in many areas of your life! It may show up in your health, intimate relationships, friendships, ca...

Rejoicing About Life Activate Blessings!

  Live from a #JOYFUL state of #MIND by Inner Vibez Consulting - Our OUTER LIFE experiences mirrors what the INNER SELF LOVES & HATE. It also reflects what we have FAITH or FEAR about!  ‼️ VIBEZ DONT LIE! We don’t know how it works but just know that God’s universe works in mysterious ways! The Bible gives us repeated gems on the importance of renewing the INNER MAN!  📕 Romans 12:12 - Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. ✴️ We can ELEVATE our  OUTER experiences in our lives but we must first elevate our INNER CONSCIOUSNESS aka thoughts and emotions! This is the hard part. Being happy and joyful in the storms is never easy but required for your tests!  ✴️ Our role and responsibility is to REJOICE & BE HOPEFUL about LIFE aka SELF, our HEALTH, FAMILY, FRIENDS, PROJECTS, BUSINESS or CAREER, SERVICE, LIFESTYLE etc! We have to ACT first and then we are rewarded accordingly! 🛑 The more you COMPLAIN about your life, health, body...

Son of God, Your Good Decisions Shows WISDOM!

  #ElevateHIMseries - My Son, Your GOOD DECISIONS shows WISDOM Says God!  WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING is GOLD! YOU were once FOOLISH as you were unable to humbly receive correction. You REJECTED teachings and instructions from those wiser than you or in authority. You see the fool foolishly thinks that he is wise in his own eyes and therefore thinks that he is beyond the need for correction.  ⭕️ LIFE has a way of CORRECTING us when we bathe in corrupt THINKING, FEELINGS & ACTIONS or when we REFUSE correction from the wise amongst us!  ⭕️Thankfully You Got a 2nd Chance 2 SEEK GOD’s WISDOM and for that God will give you Divine, Knowledge and Understanding to ELEVATE YOUR LIFE! Not all are so fortunate to recover from their foolish ways. Some encountered loss of health, family, privileges, freedom or even death.  💯 ITS NOT EASY BUT KNOW THAT EACH GOOD DECISION YOU MAKE ABOUT YOUR LIFE SHOWS WISDOM, STRENGTH & MINDSET GROWTH! WELL DONE MY SON...

Be Still & Receive Guidance!

  BE STILL & RECEIVE GUIDANCE! God Fights Your Battles In The STILLNESS.  You have been told repeatedly BE STILL but society has led you to believe that being BUSY shows character! You are so DISTRACTED by social media and your phone that you are losing touch with Self and God. There is POWER in the SILENCE !  💢 YOU CANNOT SOLVE THE PROBLEMS YOU MADE. TAKE IT TO DIVINE INTELLIGENCE FOR DIVINE ANSWERS!  📕 Exodus 14:14 - The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still ✴️ GOD IS YOUR SPIRITUAL LIFE PARTNER & COACH . Our job is to TAP into this DIVINE INTELLIGENCE on a regular basis not just when we need something!  ✴️ As a Coach, GOD gives us the PLAYS of the game then it’s up to us to EXECUTE them! God does not get in the game but the Divine is always present!  ✴️ PRAYING & PRAISING is where YOU talk to GOD but STILLNESS in meditation, silence, sleep, nature, etc is where GOD responds to you and gives you the plays of the game! ✴️...

Get In Alignment So God Can Prosper You!!

  God’s PLAN is to PROSPER YOU but you have to get into ALIGNMENT with God’s plans not man’s plans! 📕 Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to PROSPER YOU and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ✴️ God’s Plan. The Creator has equipped us with the most amazing SPIRITUAL gifts to have AUTHORITY & DOMINION  over our MIND, HEART & SOUL CHARACTER so that we can have an abundant and fulfilling life but we have been taught to ignore and even underestimate our spiritual gifts! God works through us in mysterious ways!  ‼️ Man’s Plan is to keep you powerless, sick, sad and stressed.   🎁 Mankind was given the power of THOUGHTS of the MIND, EMOTIONS of the HEART & willpower to develop the SOUL CHARACTER!  📳 We were told that the greatest commandment is to Love God with our MIND, HEART & SOUL because those are the channels of communication of our vibrational energy into the atmosphere of eart...

Speak Life Not Destruction Over Your Children!

  #SpeakLIFEnSUCCESS over your Children by Inner Vibez Consulting - Are YOU SPEAKING #LIFE & #SUCCESS over your #CHILDREN OR CURSING their FUTURE with your NEGATIVE ENERGY, THOUGHTS & WORDS?      ✴️ We have no idea the POWER 💥 that is behind our HEART FELT #THOUGHTS #WORDS  & #FEELINGS !  ✴️ We don’t UNDERSTAND how we are SPEAKING DEATH & DESTRUCTION over our own lives much less how we are doing the same to our children! 📕 Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit. ⚛️ Human beings are like ANTENNAS . We somehow connect to the frequencies in the atmosphere and depending on what type of VIBRATION we are giving off it will affect our life experiences and results positively and or negatively!  ‼️ The Bible shares multiple warnings about GUARDING the HEART, THOUGHTS & WORDS because we are being JUDGED accordingly DAILY (not in the future) but VERY LITTLE emphasis is place...

Your FEAR & WORRY Is Attracting FOOLISHNESS In Your Life!

  Beloved, Stop Bringing FOOLISHNESS Into Your life! The Things You Greatly #FEAR & WORRY about such as Your #Health, #Business, #Career, #Children, #Partner, #Life etc Will Come Upon YOU until you Renew or Reprogram Your Limited, Negative, Stinking Thinking about it!  📕 Job 3-25: For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, And what I dreaded has happened to me. ✴️ There are Laws & Principles on God’s Earth aka Laws of Nature aka Laws of the Universe that we will never fully understand but we must still be aware & RESPECT these laws or be judged accordingly!  ⛔️ We don’t quite understand how our # THOUGHTS & #EMOTIONS intertwine via vibrational frequency and dance in the universal atmosphere but over and over we find verses in the Bible that cautions us on GUARDING our HEARTS, to THINK on Good Things, Increasing our BELIEF SYSTEM & RENEWING the corrupt MIND. We think they are random verses but they are instrumental in our co-creation and living...

Practicing The Word Is the Key 🔑

  PRACTICE The Word & Not Just RECEIVE The Word by Inner Vibez Consulting 🚨 Beloved, YOU were taught to RECEIVE the WORD weekly but not how to PRACTICE the WORD daily!  ✴️We faithfully RECEIVE the 📖 WORD weekly, participate in religious activities and ceremonies BUT still overlook PRACTICING the word daily so we DECEIVE ourselves, stay in the DRY PLACES longer and DELAY our blessings!  ✴️ You were taught to RECEIVE the WORD weekly but not how to PRACTICE the WORD daily!  ✅ PRACTICING the WORD is the ignition for your HEALING ❤️‍🩹, BLESSINGS & TRANSFORMATION!  📕 James 1-22 - Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.  23 - Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror  24 - and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 - But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and ...

Teach The Children Mindfulness Early!

  #RightThinking equals #RightActions by Inner Vibez Consulting - Teach The Children Right Thinking and Right Actions Will Follow: PARENTS, you have a ROLE to play in how your Child is showing up as a TEEN or ADULT in life! ♨️PARENTS teach their children DYSFUNCTIONAL behaviors then are surprised when their children are struggling repeatedly in life! They send them off to Sunday School and perform religious activities once a  week hoping that the child will learn to be a good human being while the other 6 days the child is living in chaos or dysfunction. 🍎 The FRUIT does not fall far from the TREE!  📕 “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 ✳️ What is your CHILD learning or what did your child learn by YOUR attitude, words, actions, work habits or interactions with others at home, in traffic etc? ✳️ Did they SEE or HEAR love, ambition, compassion, confidence, dedication, encouragement, kindness, motivatio...