
Showing posts from November, 2023

Gratitude is Spiritual Medicine!

 #Gratitude can replenish the #DRYBONES in your life by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, GRATITUDE is your 💊🛡️ #SpiritualMedicine & #SpiritualArmor - the Bible repeatedly tells us how important expressing “GRATITUDE” is in our life. The Bible even refers to gratitude as medicine and the consequences when we don’t have it!  📕 Proverbs 17:22  - A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. 💯 GRATITUDE REPLENISHES THE DRY BONES IN YOUR LIFE. Keep in mind that when you are practicing gratitude daily you are working on replenishing the DRY areas in your life - your SELF LOVE, HEALTH, WEALTH, HAPPINESS, RELATIONSHIPS, BUSINESS, PROJECTS, MONEY etc  ⁉️Why don’t we hear more about SPIRITUAL MEDICINE such as gratitude? Because we were programmed to ignore spirituality even though the Bible supports it. Gratitude 💕 is an ENERGETIC VIBRATION of LOVE that emits from our heart into the universe! In some mysterious way it commingles with uni...

You Are Attracting Foolishness or Awesomeness Into Your Life!

 🔔‼️YOU must be ACCOUNTABLE for your #SpiritualGrowth & #Healing by Inner Vibez Consulting! YOU are attracting #FOOLISHNESS or #AWESOMENESS into your life by your dominant thoughts, beliefs & focus! 📕Philippians 4:8  - Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.  #ThinkonGOOD 😃 things and attract more! #ThinkonFOOLISH 😢 things and attract more! 🛡️ PUT ON YOUR SPIRITUAL ARMOR  Positive Thoughts are your SPIRITUAL ARMOR!  Positive Emotions are your SPIRITUAL ARMOR!  Positive Beliefs are your SPIRITUAL ARMOR!  Positive words are your SPIRITUAL ARMOR!  ‼️ We spend most of our day watching FOOLISHNESS and wonder why more foolishness is coming to us!  🔰How many MINS do you spend on SELF DEVELOPMENT (empowering, mindfulness, prayer, mindset growth knowledge) vs HOURS on SELF DESTRUCTIVE information (negative, limited, disempowering information aka foolishness).  🔰Why don’t we actually practice the SPIRITUAL & ...

Your Faith About YOU is Blocking or Blessing You!

  #YourFAITHaboutYOU is #BLOCKING or #BLESSING you by Inner Vibez Consulting  ⁉️Them: Believe in Jesus  💯Jesus: Believe in the God in YOU! ❌Man taught you to look OUTSIDE of you! ⭕️Jesus taught you to look WITHIN you!  2 different methods which will always produce life differently! 😞 One method teaches power outside of you resulting in a harsher and stressful life and one method teaches 😃 power inside of you resulting in a more abundant & fulfilling life! 🔱 Matthew 9:29 “According to YOUR faith it will be done unto you" (not your pastor, parents, etc) ✅ God is waiting on you to STIR UP the God presence in YOU! God is waiting on you to SEEK his Kingdom which is WITHIN so that the things you need will be added. God is waiting on you to LEVEL UP your thoughts  & beliefs aka INCREASE your faith about YOU & what life has to offer you! God is your SPIRITUAL PARTNER! 💯Your life is playing out to MATCH your high or low FAITH or BELIEF levels about YOURS...

God Is My Super Power!

 #GodismyBFF #GodismySpiritualPartner by Inner Vibez Consulting - We sing about a relationship with God but do we really practice it daily? If we truly started to normalize and incorporate a daily personal, loving, friendly relationship with GOD vs fearing God and respecting universal laws instead of ignoring universal laws, life would respond differently to us!  🔰It’s time to get out of the fog. It’s time to know who and whose you are as an offspring of God no matter your religion, gender, race or age.  🔰Understand that you live on earth which is governed by God’s universal laws. These laws in some mysterious way interact with the ENERGY VIBRATION of our THOUGHTS, HEART EMOTIONS & WORDS and will respond to us with blessings or curses as the Bible tells us. You see these are the laws you should really know about. These are the laws that Jesus taught about which is why he was crucified. Jesus said that God’s greatest #1 ✅ commandment is to love God with all your MIND...

God’s Laws & Love is Within!

   #SpiritualTherapyTalk #GodsLawsnLoveareWithin - Beloved, you WIN more in life if you know the plays of the game called life.   📕 Jeremiah 31:33 - This is the covenant that I will make says the LORD: I will put my LAW in their MIND and write it on their HEARTS. ⭕️ How often do you connect with God in your MIND & HEART for Divine Intervention in your life? 🔰If you have been looking for GOD’s LAWS & LOVE 💕 outside of yourself you have been misled! God’s LAWS & LOVE is always in your MIND & HEART. The thing is you have to go WITHIN to ask, knock and receive it! Unfortunately you have been conditioned since childhood to stay away from the mind so your character reveals the frustration, uncertainty, worry etc about your life despite all the religious rules you follow.   🔰You can choose to continue to be LAZY in your personal spiritual development OR incorporate a daily MINDFULNESS practice to your prayer life to learn to unlock 🔓 the doors...

Don’t Apologize For Your Growth!

 #TransformationTalk #unequallyyoked #DontApologizeForGrowth but some relationships will naturally fall off after personal development & growth!  🔰 An IMPROVED SOUL CHARACTER is the RESULT of incorporating PERSONAL & SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT. PERSONAL GROWTH equals an IMPROVED Mindset, Heartset, Confidence, Habits, Lifestyle, Perspective etc so naturally some relationships will fall off & become UNEQUALLY YOKED! 📕 2 Corinthians 6:14 - Be ye not unequally yoked  The SOUL CHARACTER (MINDSET & HEARTSET) of YOU & your PARTNER (Business or Personal) matters! You may start out equally yoked in a relationship but personal development & growth will reveal that you are now UNEQUALLY YOKED and no longer on the same page! For example, you may want MORE from life and the other person doesn’t believe more is possible due to a limited mindset!  🔰 As we do the PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & GROWTH work it will overflow and TRANSFORM & ELEVATE our SOUL CHARAC...

Raise Up Your Character!

 #RaiseUPYourSoulCharacter #CharacterMatters #RaiseUPyourStandards #SpiritualTherapyTalk - RAISE UP YOUR STANDARD aka SOUL CHARACTER! Majority of people focus on “Professional” Development but leave out PERSONAL CHARACTER Development & Growth (Standards) so they remain LIMITED in many important areas of life! 📕 Isaiah 59:19 KJV - When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him. “YOU” are the vessel that God works through! The God In YOU uses your next level STANDARDS, SOUL CHARACTER & MINDSET GROWTH to fight your enemies so developing those areas is key 🔐 to your success in life! GOD IS WAITING ON US. For God to work through us effectively we have to work on our personal development of standards aka soul character (Mindset, heart emotions, beliefs & words) 💢The SPIRIT of GOD within YOU the VESSEL will be used to lift up your standards aka soul character against the enemies / battles you will face. You are the ves...

Life is A Mirror of the Inner You!

 #SpiritualTherapyTalk - #LifeisaMIRROR - Life is not as complicated as we think it is. Life merely has LAWS & PRINCIPLES put in place by our Creator that we must adhere to. The issue is we are NOT aware of the laws and principles so we injure ourselves repeatedly because of ignorance. You see when we disrespect God’s laws & principles, LIFE will slowly but surely disrespect us!  💯The principle of Karma goes both ways! ⭕️ Whatever ATTITUDE or MOOD we put out into the atmosphere about SELF or LIFE will always circle back to MIRROR us. Vibez Don’t Lie!!  ⁉️⁉️⁉️INNER ATTITUDE CHECK!  😃 Your positive INNER attitude of abundance, care, confidence, excitement, faithful, happiness, hopeful, love, peaceful, prosperous, success focus etc will always circle back and show up as LIFE EXPERIENCES! 😢 Your NEGATIVE INNER attitude of anger, doubt, fear, grief, guilt, grudge, hate, lack, limited, resentment, revenge, unforgiveness, worry etc about self and or life will alw...

You Need 2 Actively Participate in Your Healing!

 ⭕️  #HealingtheMindBodySoul #ElevateWellness - Unfortunately our jails and hospitals are filled with loving God fearing people who have NOT been taught to RELEASE INNER STRESS or INNER TRAUMA especially in the minority community. Why? Sadness & Sickness is big business! 🔅ITS NOT JUST UNHEALTHY FOOD THAT MAKES YOU SICK - ITS NEGATIVE UNHEALTHY THOUGHTS & EMOTIONS. You could have the best eating and exercise habits but carry saturated negative emotions internally which will activate sickness & disease in the mind, body & soul character.  🔅Unfortunately our jails and hospitals are filled with loving God fearing people who have NOT been taught to RELEASE INNER STRESS or INNER TRAUMA especially in the minority community. Why? Sadness & Sickness is big business! 🔅The secret double lives of happy people while in churches but then sad & sick outside the church exist because people have been taught just to confess and their sins will be washed away so t...

Empowered Children Equals Empowered Adults!

 🔰 EMPOWERED 😆 children grow up to be EMPOWERED adults. DIS-EMPOWERED 😔 children grow up to be DIS-EMPOWERED adults! #EmpoweredChildrenMatter #EmpoweredChildrentoEmpoweredAdults #TheGODinMEcampaign  #StirUpTheGODinME #ElevateWellness #ElevatetheMindBodySouloftheCHILD 🔰Children that are EMPOWERED emotionally, mentally and spiritually in early years grow up having the tools 🧰 to encounter & navigate life more skillfully & successfully. When they are faced with challenges and obstacles in life they will make better informed choices because the INNER confidence will guide them differently. They will know that their personal relationship with their spiritual partner, God Almighty, that lives within them is the 🔑 to moving their mountains 🏔️.  🔅They will learn to develop a POSITIVE MINDSET for an abundant & fulfilling life. 🔅They will learn to build LOVE 💕 early for GOD, SELF & OTHERS! That deep INNER love will xfer into their consciousness and charact...

I AM Powered by God!

#PoweredbyGod #GodismyGIFT #TheGODinMEcampaign  #StirUpTheGODinME #ElevateWellness #ElevatetheMindBodySoul  🔰As we come out of the fog and allow ourselves to understand that yes there is a GOD POWER  in me and you, life will show up differently for us. When we practice the inner spiritual work daily as a lifestyle change, we begin to STIR UP the God energy within. We begin to SHIFT  in consciousness slowly but surely. We begin to have a deeper knowing aka FAITH about our personal spiritual partnership with the GOD presence within.  🔰 A domino ♥️ effect occurs as our FAITH about our spiritual partnership with The GOD presence WITHIN elevates. As we ELEVATE our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, words, habits & actions about SELF & LIFE, our SOUL CHARACTER, CONSCIOUSNESS and LIFE EXPERIENCES will also slowly elevate.  As above so below. As within so without.  🔰 Our HEALTH, WEALTH and HAPPINESS improves when we learn how to RELEASE & SHIFT our bu...

The God In Me Blesses Me!

  #GodismyGIFT #TheGODinMEcampaign  #StirUpTheGODinME #ElevateWellness #ElevatetheMindBodySoul #acheerfulheartisgoodmedicine 🔰Consistent high #STRESS triggers sickness in our mind, body & soul. The heavy burdens of STRESS aka consistent anxiety, excessive busyness, fear, grief, hate, jealousy, resentment, responsibility, unforgiveness, worry etc etc plus unhealed trauma we carry is causing damage within on multiple levels.  🔰 Our HEALTH, WEALTH and HAPPINESS improves when we learn how to RELEASE & SHIFT our burdens from our small capacity to GOD’s capacity! Yes we can contribute to HEALING our mind, body & soul!  ⚜️STIR UP THE GIFT OF GOD WITHIN ⚜️PRAY WITHOUT CEASING ⚜️MAINTAIN A CHEERFUL HEART 🔰Repeating silent prayers, mantras, declarations, affirmations etc throughout the day is an amazing way to 1) STIR UP the gift of God energy within, 2) PRAY without ceasing and 3) maintain a CHEERFUL HEART!      ⚡️ THE GOD IN ME CAMPAIGN ⚡️ ...

The God In Me Elevates My Health!

  #GodismyGIFT #TheGODinMEcampaign #StirUpTheGODinME #TheGoodNews #TheGODinMEdoesthework #PrayWithoutCeasing #ItsTheGODInMe 🔰We can WIN more in the different areas of life life when we finally come to the understanding that the GOD IN ME DOES THE WORK. The load of stress seems to fall away when we understand who the real boss is. Our HEALTH, WEALTH and HAPPINESS improves when we SHIFT those heavy burdens from our small capacity to God’s capacity! ⚜️STIR UP THE GIFT OF GOD WITHIN” ⚜️PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”  Repeating silent prayers, mantras, declarations, affirmations etc throughout the day is an amazing way to STIR UP THE GIFT OF GOD ENERGY WITHIN!       ⚡️ THE GOD IN ME CAMPAIGN ⚡️  ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️THE GOD IN ME ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ ELEVATES MY HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS!  📕 2 Timothy 1:6 - Stir up the GIFT 🎁 of God in YOU. 📕 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 - Rejoice always, PRAY WITHOUT CEASING, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ ...

Healing The Inner Child!

  #HealingTheINNERchild. We take the HURT INNER CHILD traumas into our relationships as #partners, #parents, #friends etc operating as hurt adults!  🔅We will continue to reflect the pain from past traumas in these relationships if we don’t ADDRESS and HEAL the inner child traumas. 🔆We will use alcohol, drugs, depression, seclusion, excessive busyness, eating, shopping etc etc to suppress the inner child traumas. 🔅We will damage good relationships if we are unable to heal the inner child traumas. 🔅We will show up LIMITED emotionally, mentally and spiritually until we heal the inner child traumas. ‼️Life can be so much better for you!  You are WORTHY of love and being loved in healthy ways! You are worthy of amazing relationships!  🔰ITS TIME TO DO THE WORK TO HEAL THE INNER CHILD TRAUMAS! TALK TO YOUR INNER CHILD! LOOK AT YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR! HUG 🤗 YOURSELF! ❤️ I LOVE YOU INNER CHILD! ❤️ GOD LOVES YOU INNER CHILD! ❤️ I FORGIVE THOSE THAT HURT YOU! ❤️ I AM SO P...

The God In Me Celebrates Me!

  #TransformationTuesday #GodismyGIFT #TheGODinMEcampaign #TheGODinME #PrayWithoutCeasing #StirUpTheGODinME #TheGODinMEdoesthework  🔰We can TRANSFORM our mental health, emotional health, physical health, financial health, relationship health, spiritual health etc by STIRRING UP THE GOD WITHIN daily! Repeating silent prayers, mantras, declarations, affirmations etc throughout the day is an amazing way to STIR UP THE GIFT OF GOD ENERGY WITHIN!       ⚡️ THE GOD IN ME CAMPAIGN ⚡️  ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️THE GOD IN ME ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ CELEBRATES, HONORS & STRENGTHENS ME! ⚜️STIR UP THE GIFT OF GOD WITHIN” ⚜️PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”  📕 2 Timothy 1:6 - Stir up the GIFT 🎁 of God in YOU. 📕 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 - Rejoice always, PRAY WITHOUT CEASING, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” Namaste 🙏🏽  Donna Morton Morgan  Spiritual Development  & Mindset Coach  #innervibezconsulting #womenofkultureINC...

The God In Me Magnifies Me!

  #TheGODinMEcampaign #TheGODinME #GodismyGIFT #StirUpTheGODinME #TheGODinMEdoesthework #SpiritualTherapy #ElevateWellness  ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️THE GOD IN ME ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ CELEBRATES, MAGNIFIES & PROSPERS ME! 📕 2 Timothy 1:6 - Therefore I Remind You to Stir up the GIFT 🎁 of God in which is in YOU. Namaste 🙏🏽  Donna Morton Morgan  Spiritual Development  & Mindset Coach  #innervibezconsulting #womenofkultureINC #mindsetofchrist #kingdomsuccesscodez  #spiritualselfdevelopment #miraclemantras  #spiritualtherapy #spiritualwisdom  #IAMconsciousness #higherconsciousness  #godismystrength  #consciousness #nextlevelmindset #godiswithme 

The God In Me Elevates My Health, Wealth & Happiness!

 #TheGODinMEcampaign #TheGODinME #GodismyGIFT #StirUpTheGODinME #TheGODinMEdoesthework #SpiritualTherapy #ElevateWellness  ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️THE GOD IN ME ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ ELEVATES MY HEATH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS! 📕 2 Timothy 1:6 - Therefore I Remind You to Stir up the GIFT 🎁 of God in which is in YOU. Namaste 🙏🏽  Donna Morton Morgan  Spiritual Development  & Mindset Coach  #innervibezconsulting #womenofkultureINC #mindsetofchrist #kingdomsuccesscodez  #spiritualselfdevelopment #miraclemantras  #spiritualtherapy #spiritualwisdom  #IAMconsciousness #higherconsciousness  #godismystrength  #consciousness #nextlevelmindset #godiswithme 

The God In Me Elevates Me!

 #TheGODinMEcampaign #TheGODinME #GodismyGIFT #StirUpTheGODinME #TheGODinMEdoesthework #SpiritualTherapy #ElevateWellness  ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️THE GOD IN ME ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ ELEVATES MY HEATH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS! 📕 2 Timothy 1:6 - Therefore I Remind You to Stir up the GIFT 🎁 of God in which is in YOU. Namaste 🙏🏽  Donna Morton Morgan  Spiritual Development  & Mindset Coach  #innervibezconsulting #womenofkultureINC #mindsetofchrist #kingdomsuccesscodez  #spiritualselfdevelopment #miraclemantras  #spiritualtherapy #spiritualwisdom  #IAMconsciousness #higherconsciousness  #godismystrength  #consciousness #nextlevelmindset #godiswithme

The God In Me Guides Me!

 #TheGODinMEcampaign #TheGODinME #GodismyGIFT #StirUpTheGODinME #TheGODinMEdoesthework #SpiritualTherapy #ElevateWellness  ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️THE GOD IN ME ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ DELIVERS 🔅FORTIFIES 🔅GUIDES 🔅ME! 📕 2 Timothy 1:6 - Therefore I Remind You to Stir up the GIFT 🎁 of God in which is in YOU. Namaste 🙏🏽  Donna Morton Morgan  Spiritual Development  & Mindset Coach  #innervibezconsulting #womenofkultureINC #mindsetofchrist #kingdomsuccesscodez  #spiritualselfdevelopment #miraclemantras  #spiritualtherapy #spiritualwisdom  #IAMconsciousness #higherconsciousness  #godismystrength  #consciousness #nextlevelmindset #godiswithme

The God In Me Comforts Me!

 #TheGODinMEcampaign #TheGODinME #GodismyGIFT #StirUpTheGODinME #TheGODinMEdoesthework #SpiritualTherapy #ElevateWellness  ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️THE GOD IN ME ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ COMFORTS 🔅LOVES 🔅PROTECTS 🔅ME! 📕 2 Timothy 1:6 - Therefore I Remind You to Stir up the GIFT 🎁 of God in which is in YOU. Namaste 🙏🏽  Donna Morton Morgan  Spiritual Development  & Mindset Coach  #innervibezconsulting #womenofkultureINC #mindsetofchrist #kingdomsuccesscodez  #spiritualselfdevelopment #miraclemantras  #spiritualtherapy #spiritualwisdom  #IAMconsciousness #higherconsciousness  #godismystrength  #consciousness #nextlevelmindset #godiswithme

The God In Me Favors Me!

  #TheGODinMEcampaign #TheGODinME #GodismyGIFT #StirUpTheGODinME #TheGODinMEdoesthework#SpiritualTherapy #ElevateWellness  ⚜️⚜️⚜️THE GOD IN ME ⚜️⚜️⚜️ BLESSES 🔅FAVORS 🔅PROSPERS 🔅ME! 📕 2 Timothy 1:6 - Therefore I Remind You to Stir up the GIFT 🎁 of God in which is in YOU. Namaste 🙏🏽  Donna Morton Morgan  Spiritual Development  & Mindset Coach  #innervibezconsulting #womenofkultureINC #mindsetofchrist #kingdomsuccesscodez  #spiritualselfdevelopment #miraclemantras  #spiritualtherapy #spiritualwisdom  #IAMconsciousness #higherconsciousness  #godismystrength  #consciousness #nextlevelmindset #godiswithme 

The God In Me Prospers Me!

  #TheGODinMEcampaign #TheGODinME #GodismyGIFT #StirUpTheGODinME #TheGODinMEdoesthework #SpiritualTherapy #ElevateWellness  ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️THE GOD IN ME ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ PROMOTES🔅PROTECTS🔅PROSPERS 🔅ME! #AffirmationsforSuccess  #TheGODinME #Promotes #Protects & #Prospers #ME! 💯💯 #StirUpTheGiftofGODinYou #SpiritualTherapyTalk by Inner Vibez Consulting 🔅Each man/woman must take time daily to STIR UP THE GOD ENERGY PARTNERSHIP WITHIN. 🔰AFFIRMATIONS & DECLARATIONS are a great way to learn and renew the limited #thoughts about #SELF and #LIFE that we adopted as children or adults via life experiences, society, culture, religion or trauma. Saying positive affirmations, declarations, mantras, prayers etc silently and out loud with the acknowledgement of your God partnership takes you to 🆙 higher levels of belief! As you elevate your FAITH and BELIEFS about your life there is a domino effect, so your life experiences will be elevated. ⚜️Why do we take the time to stir up the God ...

The God Energy In Me Affirmations!

  #TheGodInMe #TheGodEnergyInMe #StirUpTheGiftofGodInMe #GodisMYGIFT #TheKingdomofGodisWithin #GodismySpiritualPartner #kemeticknowledge #ancientchristianity #goddessenergy -  🔆AFFIRMATIONS are a great way to SEEK THE KINGDOM OF GOD & STIR UP your GIFT of GOD ENERGY Within! You can choose whatever words resonate with you! Repeat in silence at times then out loud at times!  ‼️ Bob Marley says every man has the right to choose his/her own destiny. You can REJECT that God is WITHIN if you choose to. I choose to celebrate this spiritual wisdom that GOD LIVES WITHIN ME. We each can CHOOSE to stay in the lane with the limited information that was set up to spoon feed us by our colonizers 🔆I choose to step outside and learn about WHO & WHOSE I AM! 🔆I choose to learn how to stir up my GIFT (God Energy) within. 🔆 I choose to seek the Kingdom of God WITHIN not OUTSIDE! I no longer look to the hills for an image to rescue or save me. I look WITHIN to connect and Stir up ...

Stir Up Your GIFTS Within!

   #StirUptheGiftsofGod #GodGaveYouGIFTS  🎁  #LookWithin not outside #SpiritualTherapyTalk by Inner Vibez Consulting - We are BLESSED because we are GIFTED by God. Stop  🛑  acting so powerless. God equipped us with GIFTS  🎁  to navigate our life! 📕  2 Timothy 1:6 - Therefore I remind you to stir up the GIFTS  🎁  of God which is in YOU through the laying on of my hands. ❌ They taught us that our gifts  🎁  from God was our ability to draw, sing, dance etc. Limited Truth. It’s way bigger than that. Our GIFFS are the ability to have dominion and authority over our THOUGHTS, HEART EMOTIONS, BELIEFS & WORDS so that we can BLESS vs CURSE our life! 🎁   🎁  GIFTS. Our Creator, Almighty God, Source Energy, equipped our spirit with a toolbox  🧰  full of gifts! Our MIND (thoughts) HEART (emotions) MOUTH (spoken words) CONSCIOUSNESS (subconscious beliefs), Creativity etc. These gifts would be used to col...