
Showing posts from November, 2022

Saved But Not Healed!

  #WinningWednesday💡 #SavedbutnotHealed Sis, you may be # SAVED but not # HEALED . It’s time for another uncomfortable conversation so that we can have more # WINS in life. There is a process for INNER SPIRITUAL HEALING ❤️‍🩹. It’s not a one time event or declaration!  📖 Ephesians 4: 31-32 "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you." 🧐 Too many of us say we are SAVED and confess our love of Christ but DO NOT WALK AS AN EXAMPLE OF CHRIST. Our # MENTALITY is corrupt, our # EMOTIONS are corrupt, our # BELIEFS are corrupt, our # WORDS are corrupt, our # HABITS are corrupt and our # ACTIONS are corrupt! 🧰 🔑 SPIRITUAL SELF DEVELOPMENT is the key to RENEWING the MIND , HEART & SOUL so we can show up and represent as a FRUIT of the SPIRIT ! ⚙️⚒Every single day WE ALL need to work on HEALING...

Transformation Comes Through The Renewal Of The Mind!

  Beloveds TRANSFORMATION comes through the RENEWAL of the MIND !!! 💫 RENEWAL of the MIND must happen To ELEVATE your FAITH , your GOALS , your PERSPECTIVE & your SELF WORTH!  🚨 There is no way around going through the INNER SELF DEVELOPMENT process to get to ➡️ transformation. You can be SAVED but not HEALED   ❤️‍🩹  or  TRANSFORMED and your life will reflect it!  📝 When we PRACTICE & FOLLOW the teachings of Christ and not just HEAR them we will slowly but surely come out of the #emotional, #financial, #mental BONDAGE that has been contributing to the LACK of good health, wealth and happiness! 🧐 You see we stay in DRY 🌵 PLACES longer because we are NOT OBEDIENT & REFUSE to do the necessary INNER work to PURGE the CORRUPT and LIMITED MINDSET & BELIEFS that we may have learned and adopted from childhood, family, religion, society, our environment and life traumas.  🌟 LOW LEVELS of dominant, consistent conscious and un...

Are You TOO BUSY to Practice Gratitude!

  #DailyDoseofGratitude - Are you TOO BUSY  to  PRACTICE  GRATITUDE ? You may be missing out on some AMAZING benefits! Do you know that practicing GRATITUDE is a natural holistic PRESCRIPTION with many positive side effects that will HEAL the MIND, BODY & SOUL!  📝  What does practicing GRATITUDE means? Taking 2-3 mins throughout the day to GO into the SILENCE and INJECT Vitamin “G” aka God, Gratitude, Goodness  💕  into your mind, heart and soul. This is how we are to love God as Jesus instructed us.  🌟  When we are DISOBEDIENT and ignore the NATURAL metaphysical mindful methods that our Creator sent his messengers to tell us about so that we can heal and prosper our lives we suffer the consequences. 🌟  When we are TOO BUSY to take time out to GO INTO the SILENCE  we DONT HEAR God’s instructions for our lives therefore we remain confused in the dry places longer! 🌟  When we are TOO BUSY to practice grat...

Tap Into God’s Creative Power Within!

  #TapintoYourGodPowerWithin - We can TRANSFORM our lives by SEEKING first the KINGDOM OF GOD which is WITHIN and learning how to TAP into the DIVINE CREATIVE GOD POWER and learn to use it to BLESS our lives vs CURSE  our lives!  💜   📖  Isaiah 45:7  - “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” **(Explanation - the word translated “evil” is from a Hebrew word that means “adversity, affliction, calamity, distress, misery) 🌟  GOD’s POWER IS AN IMPARTIAL CREATIVE FORCE THAT MUST BE RESPECTED. THE POWER RANGES FROM LIGHT & PEACEFUL all the way to  ➡️   DARK & ADVERSE !  ELECTRICITY   ⚡️  has no favoritism to age, sex, religion, culture etc in giving light to light up a house or killing the individual. It’s how the power is used! It works through principles and applications! We each possess God’s CREATIVE POWER “within”. Each human being must learn to RE...

It’s The God In Me!

  #MotivationMonday 💫 Almighty God I thank you that I understand that it’s THE GOD IN ME that does the work so I promise to build a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP and ALIGN with you daily! 💕 Father God I pray that your Healing & Mighty Power WITHIN me PURIFY my #mind, #heart and #soul daily so that I may first SEEK YOUR KINGDOM to SERVE you in the best and highest way!  💕 Father God I thank you for teaching me to be OBEDIENT and gain WISDOM,  KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING of your metaphysical laws, energy, vibration, frequency and principles that governs this earth and the IMPORTANCE of how my DOMINANT & SUBCONSCIOUS #thoughts, #emotions and #words  can #BLESS and/or #CURSE my life. 💫 I promise to LOVE you with my mind, heart & soul; 💫 I promise to PRACTICE and not just HEAR your words; 💫 I promise to GUARD my mind and heart; 💫 I PROMISE to go into the SILENCE to hear from you;  💫 I PROMISE to RENEW my corrupt mindset and ALIGN with the MINDSET of CHR...

Be Still & Know I AM God!

 BE STILL and Know That I AM God! 💗 TAP into ➡️ GOD’s PRESENCE DAILY via the # SILENCE ! If this one verse is PRACTICED daily we can SHIFT our awareness, consciousness and our relationship with God which as a RIPPLE effect will SHIFT & HEAL our # lives, our #health, #marriages #relationships, #businesses, #careers, #money etc and transform our planet!  📖 Psalm 46:10 - He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; 💜 We must begin to TRULY understand that the SPIRIT of GOD is WITHIN therefore God’s PRESENCE is always with us 24x7 but we must learn to acknowledge the presence WITHIN and learn how to get into ALIGNMENT with God via the silence aka meditation! 🚨 We don’t have to go into a designated building or wait for a designated day to feel God’s presence. We don’t have to wait for a person with certain qualifications to speak to God on our behalf. We simply have to UNDERSTAND and PRACTICE how to BE STILL aka GO INTO THE SILENCE!  📝 Prayer is talking to God....

The Sabbath is not just a DAY it’s a TIMEFRAME to connect with God daily!

  The Sabbath is not just a DAY it’s a TIMEFRAME to connect with God daily! WHAT IS THE INTENTION OF THE SABBATH? Rest and Reflection with God .  #BeStill & know I AM God. #GratitudeMeditation is #SilencewithGod 🙏🏽 If we had MORE mediation time with God and less religious routines we would see greater changes in our personal lives and the world! My take away is that God’s message has always been and will always be to “ BE STILL & CONNECT ” with him which represents a TIMEFRAME to spend time throughout the day vs 1 day.  😃 God’s Plans. To Prosper & Heal! 😞 Man’s Plans. Limit God’s Plans! 📖 Mark 2:27-28: Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. 28. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.” 😊 Jesus told us that the 1st important commandment for the creator is to Love God with our #Mind, #Heart & #Soul. That is what MEDITATION is about. However many religions STEER their congregation from meditation on ...

What is Your “I AM” Consciousness!

   #TheIAMconsciousness - Beloved, what is your I AM CONSCIOUSNESS ? Our level of #consciousness about WHO we are and WHAT we deserve in life is the road map 🗺 to our successes and demises in life. Each HUMAN being holds a LEVEL (from low to high) of CONSCIOUSNESS aka thermostat aka perspective aka subconscious beliefs and mindset about what life has to offer. This consciousness is planted as seeds 🌱 then rooted as a tree 🌳 from childhood experiences, environment of the family, community, school, religion, friends etc and personal traumatic experiences.  🧐 Our CONSCIOUSNESS about the different areas of our life will a)😃 attract people and situations EASY without much effort and yet on the other hand b)😳 some things will be more DIFFICULT to achieve in life. 🚨 Your spiritual body (energy, vibration & frequency) is like a magnetic antenna  🧲 that picks up signals. It’s important to EVALUATE the different areas to see what’s easy and what’s not so ea...

Prayer 2 Elevate The Limited Mindset & Consciousness!

  #MotivationMonday - God’s PLANS to PROSPER us are all set for us. However nothing can be received physically until it’s received in our consciousness ! 💕 Of course we don’t purposely REJECT God’s plans but ignorance is no excuse to God’s laws.  🌟 Our # limited #negative MINDSET rejects God’s plans!  🌟 Our # limited #negative CONSCIOUSNESS rejects God’s plans! Until we do the INNER MINDFULNESS SELF DEVELOPMENT work we will continue to REJECT God’s plans to PROSPER us!  Knowledge is power but APPLYING knowledge is powerful. Action Steps. Fall asleep, wake up and repeat declarations silently throughout the day of accepting God’s perfect plans for your life. Allow it to saturate your mind, heart & soul aka consciousness.  Be Blessed 😇 Namaste 🙏🏽

Be a “DOER” 💕 of the Word not just a “HEARER” of the Word!

  #SoulfulSunday - Be a “ DOER ” 💕 of the Word not just a “ HEARER ” of the Word! We have gotten too LAZY to do God’s work and it reflects in our LONGER TIMEFRAME wandering in the wilderness . We want the pastors to do all the work for us (to HEAR & DO) God’s words for us.  🧐 We think that if we show up weekly to church to sing, dance and shout etc that God will see this religious act alone and reward us! 😞 Meanwhile the rest of the week WE live in a wretched limited, negative thought consciousness about OUR life! FYI Church fellowship is a wonderful & beautiful experience but DONT FORGET that there is also INNER SPIRITUAL work to be done on your own DAILY ! Honey child we only got some of the pieces of the puzzle 🧩  💜 Let me tell you that each person on this earth must do their own daily SPIRITUAL INNER CONSCIOUSNESS work to seek & find God’s Kingdom which is WITHIN . You don’t just roll up on God’s Kingdom. You truly have to be in search via your ...

The Gratitude Energy Activates God’s Goodness & Mercy In Your Life!

  # GratitudeEnergy -  The Gratitude Energy Activates God’s Goodness & Mercy In Your Life!   Too many people think that GRATITUDE  is speaking a few words about being thankful. The ENERGY of Gratitude is # THINKING , # FEELING & # BEING # GRATEFUL in your # SPIRIT throughout the day not just for 5 mins or 1x week at church.  Jesus tells us the greatest commandment in the law is to LOVE God - with our # HEART, #MIND & #SOUL! When you are in GRATITUDE ENERGY you are loving God on all 3 levels ! We missed the MAGNITUDE of this verse and are IGNORANT to it’s critical importance in our lives. Many say they don’t have time to practice GRATITUDE because they don’t understand that this daily PRACTICE is food 🍱 for the mind, body & soul! We say we love & trust God yet we spend most of our day unintentionally rejecting God’s PLANS to PROSPER us via our negative energy communication!  It’s really because we LACK THE KNOWLEDGE OF WH...

Your Prosperity or Poverty Consciousness is Ruling Your Life!

  #FabulousFriday - I choose a #prosperityconsciousness🌟❤️💰 because my God says he has PLANS to PROSPER Me. I chose to Align with God’s PLANS for me and not man’s plan for me! God wants me to live an ABUNDANT & FULFILLING life not a sad, sick, stressed out and limited life.  The LIMITED MINDSET of society will purposely attack you for wanting the best in life. The big agenda is to convince you that poverty and long suffering is a virtue of God! The Devil is a Liar.  Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to PROSPER you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 💫 God’s PLAN is already set up however it is up to each person to ALIGN with God’s PLAN via a PROSPERITY CONSCIOUSNESS or we can REJECT God’s plan for us via a POVERTY CONSCIOUSNESS !  😞 FIRST OF ALL. Believing that money, expensive cars and things alone equals prosperity is LIMITED mindset thinking! Continue reading to level up your min...

Stop Telling Yourself LIES About Your Life!

  #WinningWednesday - Beloved Stop  🛑  Throwing Away Your CONFIDENCE !  🌟   Stop Telling Yourself Lies About Who & Whose You Are!   🌟  You are WORTHY of All God’s Goodness & Greatness!  🌟  You DESERVE the Very Best in Life! 📝   BIBLE VERSE . Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised.” – Hebrews 10:35–36 🚨  YOU ARE A SPIRITUAL ENERGETIC BEING. Understand that your CONSCIOUSNESS aka SELF CONCEPT about SELF is the level where your blessings will FLOW from! A LOW consciousness in a particular area will SABOTAGE all your efforts!  If your consciousness aka self concept of yourself, health, life, marriage, business etc is # LOW   😞  in any particular area then your life experiences will mirror more of that!  If your consciousness aka self concept of ...