Be Still & Transform Your Life with Frequent Meditation Therapy!

#TransformationTuesday - Beloved, Be Still and TRANSFORM your LIFE with frequent SPIRITUAL MINDFULNESS MEDITATION THERAPY aka VITAMIN GOD THERAPY . The Bible tells us to BE STILL and know that I am God. Prayer is you talking to God and meditation is you hearing from God. ⭐️ MAKE GOD A PRIORITY IN YOUR LIFE. Take time to HONOR God throughout the day and you will be rewarded with blessings, creativity, guidance, healing, mercy, wisdom etc. It’s encouraged to incorporate a SPIRITUAL MINDFULNESS MEDITATION THERAPY aka VITAMIN GOD THERAPY several times throughout your day. Meditation has so many wonderful NATURAL HEALING benefits such as RELIEF of NEGATIVE destructive energy such as anxiety, depression, fear, stress, sadness, worry. These consistent emotions lead to sickness and diseases. You can sit with your hands in prayer position or by your side. The point is being still and comfortable. If you heard negative things about meditation it’s because of the...