
Showing posts from July, 2022

What’s Your Super Power?

#SoulfulSunday - What’s Your SUPER POWER and how are you using it to make a difference in this world? We all have a SUPER POWER(s) within us. The power is not just for self or immediate family. It’s also to be used to HEAL the HEARTS and SOULS in the world 🌎  PUT ON YOUR #CAPE OF AN UPLIFTER TODAY: # Care #Compassion #Encouragement #Giving #Inspiration #Kindness #Love #Mentorship #Service #Support #Teaching #UPLIFTER:  A person dedicated to IMPROVING or ELEVATING the emotional, financial, intellectual, mental, moral, social, spiritual and or wellness experience or perspective of a person, culture or environment! IS THAT YOU? Are YOU an UPLIFTER? We don’t think of these characters as a SUPER POWER because it’s not really emphasized as such but know this today that YOU possess a GOD GIVEN SUPER POWER within to not only IMPROVE & ELEVATE your life but for lives in your community and/or around the world! You don’t have to be ELECTED into a leadership role to use yo...

Speak LIFE over Your Situations!

  #ThankfulThursday πŸ’œ - Thank You Father For Teach ing Me to THINK, BELIEVE, FEEL & SPEAK LIFE Over My Situations! Proverbs 30:32 - Do not confess the NEGATIVE THOUGHTS in your MIND, rather speak life to every situation around you. πŸ“ God Almighty, Creator of the universe, Infinite Intelligence, you knew there would be many challenges and obstacles in my life! πŸ“ You knew that there would be many trials and tribulations to test & increase my faith! πŸ“ You knew that my CORRUPT MINDSET aka thoughts & beliefs about my SELF and my LIFE would keep me in a FOG and BLOCK me from seeing the blessings & goodness that is all around me! πŸ“ You knew that the consistent negative emotions that I carry deep in my HEART would cause sickness and diseases.  πŸ’• You LOVE me so much that you still found ways to ARM me for the MENTAL & PHYSICAL battles in life! 🚨 You sent your messengers to warn and guide me. In the Bible you repeatedly WARN me to GUARD my HEART, MIND ...

Learn To Think HIGHLY of Self & TRANSFORM Your Life!

#TransformationTuesday - Note 2 Self. Begin to THINK highly πŸ†™ of SELF & LIFE and watch your life TRANSFORM ! Colossians 3:2 - Keep your MIND on things that are above, not on things that are below.  πŸ“ The Bible gives us so many amazing instructions regarding the # MINDSET so that we can live an abundant and fulfilling life here on earth! WHY??? The Mind directs your life! We are here not just for self and family but also to complete God’s assignments. If you have a WEAK MINDSET you will not be effective in completing the assignments as you will become a PRISONER to your mind or be in BONDAGE to your mind! πŸ’• GOD needs individuals with STRONG MINDSET who can MANAGE their MINDS to do his work & to help those with weaker mindset!  πŸ‘πŸ½ You can make a 360 degree turn in your life just by working on IMPROVING THE MINDSET and changing the way you THINK & BELIEVE about your LIFE!  πŸ“ God knew that our MINDS would become corrupted by society’s limited kn...

Don’t be a Prisoner to Your MIND!

#MotivationMonday - Don’t Let Your # MIND Hold You a PRISONER to LACK !  Beloved, your “ MIND ” can keep you in BONDAGE emotionally, mentally, financially, physically and spiritually!   Your MIND can keep you in LACK of: # CONFIDENCE #HEALTH #HOPE #LOVE #MONEY #PEACE #SUCCESS  Romans 7:23 - but I see another LAW at work in me, waging war against the law of my MIND and making me a PRISONER of the law at work WITHIN me .   πŸ“ The LAW OF MIND has no respect for age, gender or religion. The MIND is at work 24x 7. Without your awareness or permission, the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND is busy programming your life based on your childhood experiences, life experiences and traumas (positive & negative). You have been saying that it’s others that SABOTAGING or BLOCKING you but understand that it’s YOUR CORRUPT MIND! 😳 The job for CHANGE is an INSIDE job and requires daily MINDFULNESS  & SPIRITUAL practices! This will require daily commitment, faith and perseveran...

The Lord is my Shepherd; I SHALL NOT WANT!

  #FinancialFreedomFriday - Prime the # MIND for Success Series! Your MINDSET (subconscious thoughts & beliefs) is sabotaging your SUCCESS. The power to change your life is an INSIDE job. ♥️  Psalm 23:1 The Lord is my Shepherd; I SHALL NOT WANT.  🌟  I shall not want for LOVE 🌟  I shall not want for HEALTH   🌟  I shall not want for HAPPINESS   🌟  I shall not want for MONEY   Our lives can be so different if we live our lives from a MINDSET PERSPECTIVE of PLENTY vs LACK! 😞  A poverty MINDSET equals more lack or poverty in life! 😊  A success MINDSET equals more wins and success in life! πŸ€”  We want MORE (love, money, success) so why is it so hard to get more? # MINDSET. A subtotal of subconscious thoughts and beliefs adopted since childhood. Unless someone PLANTED seeds of greatness, hope, plenty, vision or success into the mind of the child, it’s likely the child will mirror and repeat his or her environmen...

The Magic Pill Called Gratitude!

  #ThankfulThursday - The magic pill πŸ’Š called # GRATITUDE !  Gratitude can HEAL your MIND , HEART & BODY . The Bible talks a lot about the importance of gratitude, being thankful and rejoicing because it’s a NATURAL way of CONNECTING to GOD  and restoring HEALING ! Proverbs 16:24 - Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the SOUL and HEALING to the body."  ⭐️ Practicing GRATITUDE daily is a MINDFULNESS technique used to soothe your SOUL and restore HEALING in your body!  ⭐️ Practicing GRATITUDE daily is a MINDFULNESS technique used to CONNECT silently and personally with your Spiritual partner, God!  ⭐️ Practicing GRATITUDE daily is a MINDFULNESS technique used to COMMUNICATE to God how thankful and grateful you are for the many blessings and lessons in your life!  πŸ˜” The negative DESTRUCTIVE ENERGY thoughts and feelings of anxiety, fear, hate, lack, sadness, unforgiveness, worry etc produces STRESS and UNBALANCE which produces ...

Rise Up from Your FAILURES!

  #WinningWednesday - WINNING  πŸ†  involves FAILING! There are LESSONS in the FAILURES !    Don’t give up on your GOALS    & DREAMS. Rise  πŸ†™  and fight again. TIP. FAIL FORWARD NOT BACKWARD! Don’t beat yourself up because your #BUSINESS, #MARRIAGE or #HEALTH etc failed . Instead, understand “WHY” the failures happen and take this as an opportunity to IMPROVE SELF. We LEARN from our failures. GROWTH is IDENTIFYING & LEARNING the lessons from the failures! LEARN from the failed MARRIAGE !  LEARN from the failed BUSINESS !  LEARN from the failed HEALTH !  Your job is to: πŸ’•  1) GET UP mentally, emotionally physically and spiritually  to rise up and fight back from your failures. πŸ’•  2) IDENTIFY the LESSONS from the failures. πŸ’•  3) Apply God’s not man’s WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING to LEARN from the failures.  πŸ’œ  Proverbs 24:16 For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise ...

Choose Dominion not Fear Over Your Life!

  #MotivationMonday - Beloved the ENERGY power of #DOMINION & #FEAR is within each and every one of us but only YOU can choose which power you will align with! Job 25:2 - Dominion and fear are with him, he maketh peace in his high places. πŸ’• You were given Dominion to rule your life!  πŸ“ You are the vessel that God uses on this earth to complete his assignments. You are here on this earth 🌍 for a reason.  πŸ’₯ You have POWER but you were taught by society that you are powerless!  πŸ’— Only YOU can do the inner spiritual work to gain God’s not man’s wisdom to understand who & whose you are! No one can do this work for you! When you have gained God’s wisdom, knowledge and understanding, the FOG will be lifted and you will understand the power of dominion & fear that YOU possess within! πŸ“ Your internal THOUGHTS & EMOTIONS aka SUBCONSCIOUS aka CONSCIOUSNESS is the rudder that steers your ship aka life! All of us operate from CORRUPTED, NEGATIVE & LIMITI...

God is waiting on YOU to RENEW the MIND!

  #ThankfulThursday πŸ’•- Have YOU started the process of RENEWING your MIND so you can TRANSFORM your life? You are waiting on God but God is waiting on YOU! The ball πŸ€ is in your court! Romans 12:2 - And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." When you see others achieving their goals, know that they put in WORK to improve their MINDSET . It’s not luck!  ❤️ I AM THANKFUL for doing the daily SPIRITUAL SELF DEVELOPMENT work to RENEW my MIND and TRANSFORM my life!   Thank you Father as I see the improvements and transformation in my HEALTH, MARRIAGE, MONEY, BUSINESS, PROJECTS, RELATIONSHIPS etc. πŸ“ RENEWING THE MIND is necessary and critical because of our CORRUPT Mindset aka (subconscious THOUGHTS, BELIEFS and FEELINGS) about who & whose we are!  This corruption usually begins at childhood, environment, culture, trauma or life experienc...


 #TransformationTuesday - Sis, learn to #SOW seeds of #SUCCESS not seeds of #SORROW! What SEEDS are you SOWING? You can #TRANSFORM your life by SOWING seeds that will SERVE you vs seeds that SABOTAGE you! Galatians 6:7 - Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man SOWS this he will also REAP.  πŸ“ Our Father created this magnificent metaphysical energetic world we live in. We may not understand the governing laws and principles but we should know that these laws are at work 24x7 and we are either using or misusing them. He sent messengers to show us how to respect and abide by his laws for our own good but we ignore the teachings. Our #THOUGHTS are #SEEDS that we #SOW in the subconscious #MIND. Those seeds are then watered and fertilized with consistent negativity, doubt, fear and worry and they will eventually take root and bear like fruits πŸ‰πŸŽπŸŒ πŸ‹ 🍊 πŸ§…πŸ«‘accordingly!  You want SWEET, DELICIOUS fruits but you keep getting bitter or sour fruits? Why???? πŸ€” ...

Spiritual Self Development Produces The FRUITS!

  #MotivationMonday - Beloved, Spiritual Self Development is what produces the FRUITS of the SPIRIT ! Which FRUITS reflect your CHARACTER ? What characteristics do you need to work on? God is waiting on YOU to PARTICIPATE in your life! God has provided us with the template of the CHARACTER that he wishes us to take on. The ball  πŸ€  is in our court so NOW it’s up to us to do the daily inner self development to put off the former self and put on the NEW man or woman! Galatians 5:22 - But the fruit of the Spirit is 1) love, 2) joy, 3) peace, 4) patience, 5) kindness, 6) goodness, 7) faithfulness, 8) gentleness and 9) self-control πŸ“  The FRUITS identify inner CHARACTER and WISDOM that must be developed. You must PLANT the seeds  🌱  of whatever character you wish to REAP and take on.  Go down the list and EVALUATE yourself. Is your character an example of any of these fruits? If yes, which ones? Which character of fruit do you need to develop...


  #ThoughtfulThursday - God is waiting on YOU to PRACTICE new # THOUGHTS , #new EMOTIONS & new # WORDS for a new LIFE!  πŸ“– John 13:17 - If you know these things, you are BLESSED “if” you PRACTICE them.   The ball πŸ€ is always back in our court to perform and play the game of life! πŸ€” THE PROBLEM IS WE DONT LIKE DOING WORK so we prefer to put it on God to do the work for us!  Somewhere along the lines generations ago, 2 sets of DOCTRINES were sent out about God & Religion by the leaders of society which would govern for generations to come! πŸ“ MAJORITY of people received a MEMO that says you DONT need to be accountable for what you think, feel, speak or do in your life because you are covered and will not be judged for these things until judgment day. πŸ“ MINORITY of people received a MEMO that says you DO need to be accountable for what you think, feel, speak or do in your life because you are judged accordingly all day every day by God’s governing ...

Stop Condemning Your Life With Your Words!

  #WinningWisdomWednesday - Stop πŸ›‘ CONDEMNING your life with your WORDS ! Beloved we WIN more in life when we apply God’s WISDOM not man’s wisdom! Matthews 12:37 - for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” This verse implies that each human will be JUDGED accordingly. That judgment isn’t at the end of times. It’s every single day that you live here on earth. πŸ€” How many hours do you spend DAILY speaking passionately and NEGATIVELY to YOURSELF and or OTHERS about your LIFE aka your HEALTH , your BODY , your FUTURE , your SPOUSE or PARTNER , your CHILDREN , your FAMILY , your JOB , your BOSS , etc??    STOP IT πŸ›‘  πŸ“ SILENT or SPOKEN , your WORDS have power ! We are not talking about casual conversation. We are speaking of the conversations CHARGED with negative destructive ENERGY EMOTIONS such as complaining, envy, fear, hate, grudges, jealousy, lack, resentment, sadness, unforgiveness, worry etc, Your WORDS are th...

Learn To BELIEVE for What you PRAY for!

  #TransformationTuesday ♥️  -  We can TRANSFORM our lives when we renew our limited beliefs.  Beloved, you don’t have it yet because you DONT FULLY BELIEVE it yet!  BELIEF  is a  πŸ”‘  to RECEIVING GOD’s BLESSINGS.   We must learn to  BELIEVE  for what we pray for in order to RECEIVE what we PRAY for!  Believing is also an inside job that each person must evaluate and SHIFT for transformation to happen! Only YOU can believe for YOU !  Mark 11:24 - Whatever you ask for in prayer, BELIEVE that you have received it, and it will be yours. THE BALL IS IN YOUR COURT. This verse clearly says BELIEVE that you have received for what you pray for!   It takes us back to the laws of nature aka laws of cause and effect. You reap what you sow. If we BELIEVE aka sow FEAR, LACK & LIMITATION we will REAP more fear, lack and limitation.  God has already placed everything that we seek in the storehouse but we have to ...

Practice Loving God With Your Heart, Soul & Mind!

  #MotivationMonday - Beloved, Put God On Your Daily To Do List! Your    life could FLOW so much easier if you practiced Loving God with Your # HEART #SOUL & #MIND daily! Matthew 22:37 -38: 37 Jesus said unto him,  Thou shalt    love the Lord thy God with all thy HEART, and with all thy SOUL and with all thy MIND. 38 This is the first and great commandment.  We are instructed by Jesus that the very 1st and greatest commandment is the relationship between God, our mind and our heart.   So why don’t we put more emphasis on this spiritual teaching by Jesus. Because here in the western world, on purpose, we are not taught about the importance and significance of the Mind, Body & Spirit connection as it aligns with eastern teachings. If fact we are told to stay far away from it because of the significant benefits, blessings and inner wisdom that this practice brings.  Only YOU can choose to walk with God’s TRUTH or walk with Man’s TRUTH. ...