What’s Your Super Power?

#SoulfulSunday - What’s Your SUPER POWER and how are you using it to make a difference in this world? We all have a SUPER POWER(s) within us. The power is not just for self or immediate family. It’s also to be used to HEAL the HEARTS and SOULS in the world π PUT ON YOUR #CAPE OF AN UPLIFTER TODAY: # Care #Compassion #Encouragement #Giving #Inspiration #Kindness #Love #Mentorship #Service #Support #Teaching #UPLIFTER: A person dedicated to IMPROVING or ELEVATING the emotional, financial, intellectual, mental, moral, social, spiritual and or wellness experience or perspective of a person, culture or environment! IS THAT YOU? Are YOU an UPLIFTER? We don’t think of these characters as a SUPER POWER because it’s not really emphasized as such but know this today that YOU possess a GOD GIVEN SUPER POWER within to not only IMPROVE & ELEVATE your life but for lives in your community and/or around the world! You don’t have to be ELECTED into a leadership role to use yo...